Chapter 1- The Aftermath

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own Harry Potter!!

Harry stood in the great Hall, amazed that Voldemort was actually dead. There was a rushing in his ears, and everything was a bit of a blur. The first thing he noticed was a streak of red darting towards him, and he blinked his eyes back into focus, the streak of red materialising into a vision of beauty- Ginny running towards him and throwing her arms around his neck.
"You did it Harry! He's really gone! You just saved the world." And she pulled him in for a tender kiss, ignoring the disgusted grunt her brother made.

A short while later, Harry pulled his own, broken wand out of the Mokeskin Pouch Hagrid had given him and used the Elder Wand to fix it. To make sure it had worked, he tried some simple magic with the wand he had bought from Ollivander's at age 11 to test that it worked as well as before, and to his intense relief and delight, it did, perhaps even a little better.
"I was happier with mine, this wand is more trouble than it's worth. I am going to put it back where it belongs." Harry announced, heading to Dumbledore's tomb to return the Elder Wand to it's rightful master. Harry also returned Draco Malfoy's wand to him, Draco and his parents then left in a hurry.

Everybody then banded together to bury Fred Weasley, Remus Lupin, Nymphadora Tonks, Severus Snape, Colin Creevey and countless others. Then they commenced a clean-up operation of the school, fixing all the broken parts,cleaning dust, dirt and rubble,restoring the hourglasses with their jewels that record the Housepoints, chandeliers screwing themselves back into the ceiling, returning the suits of armour to their original positions and by the time they were finished, the castle was restored to it's former glory.

Professor Mcgonagall was reinstated to her rightful position of Headmistress of Hogwarts,and her first official act was to award every seventh year student who had fought in the Battle of Hogwarts an 'Outstanding' grade for their Defence Against the Dark Arts N.E.W.Ts.

After a little while, Harry asked Ginny to take a walk with him,he wanted to have a quiet word with her. They went for a stroll around the lake.

"Ginny, I just want to say that I'm very sorry for breaking up with you. It was the last thing I wanted to do, and I just want you to know that it was never because I didn't love you. I never stopped loving you. I just, I was trying to protect you. I knew that, if Voldemort knew how I felt about you, that he would use you against me. I couldn't bear for him to hurt you, I could never have lived with myself if he had done that. I'm so, so sorry for hurting you. I needed you to know how guilty I feel about all this, and I need you to understand."

"Harry, Harry, Please stop talking. I always understood why you had to break up with me, and as much as it hurt me- I had only just started dating you after being in love with you for about 5 years- none of that matters. I knew why you had to do it, and I think it just made me love you even more, and because you made such a difficult decision in pursuit of a heroic and brave quest. I don't hold it against you, never have and never will. I love you Harry. I have never wanted anyone else, you are the love of my life." She reached out to take his hand.

"How can you forgive me so easily?" Harry sighs softly.
"There's nothing to forgive." She whispers. She leans towards him and their lips meet in a soft, loving kiss, which heats up until they are practically sitting in each other's laps, arms wrapped tightly around each other. They are lost in their joy at being back together, until a loud voice bursts their bubble and makes them jump away from each other.

"Get away from my sister!" It's Ron's voice.
"Oh, pack it in, Ron. This is my life, you have to let me live it! Harry is the love of my life and I am never letting him go again."

Molly invited Harry to stay with their family for the entire summer, seeing as he no longer had to live with the Dursleys', and he gratefully accepted.
On the first night there, Harry and Ginny lie on her bed together, hands entwined, chatting.
"I kept looking at the Marauders' Map to see where you were and to make sure you were safe. And when I heard about you and Neville, Luna and some of the others restarting the DA, and you stealing the sword, well, you gave me such a fright! My heart almost stopped a few times. I just wanted you to be safe, but my Ginny has always been headstrong and fights for what she believes in."
They whisper their love for each other and fall asleep, hands still entwined.

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