Chapter Six-Animagi.

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Their second day kicked off with History of Magic, which was still being taught by the ghost Professor Binns, also meaning that everybody except Hermione and Ginny fell into their usual stupor. Harry spent most of the lesson gazing adoringly at Ginny and touching her silky red hair. Harry taught his second lesson after Charms, and he and Ginny kept it very professional. Ginny wanted to pass the class based on her own talents and hard work, not just because she was engaged to the teacher! Harry would never pass her for that reason anyway.
When lessons finished, Harry and Ginny did not follow Ron and Hermione to the Gryffindor Common Room, but instead hurried up to the Room of Requirement and pulled off their robes. Ginny pulled Harry toward her by his tie, sitting on the bed and pulling him so he stood between her legs. They leant in close to each other and their lips met in a tender kiss. It quickly turned more passionate, and it wasn't long before clothes were disappearing and they were rolling about on the bed, bodies entwined so closely it was hard to tell where one began and the other ended.

They emerged from their bedroom (which had sprouted a wall between theirs and Hermione's, likely to avoid anybody seeing anything they would not wish to) and headed down for dinner. They held hands the entire time and neither of them could stop beaming. Hermione had an inkling of what they may have been up to, but successfully distracted Ron enough for him not to notice.

After their next Transfiguration lesson, Harry asked Mcgonagall if he could have a private word, to which she agreed. Ginny smiled and said she would see him later. Harry then proceeded to explain to his teacher and Head of House that he would like to become an Animagi like his Father and Sirius, although, unlike them, he wanted to do it with the proper instruction and become registered. Mcgonagall agreed to teach him, and with a small smile, informed him that he could bring along his friends if they wished to join him in this quest.

That night, the four of them returned to the Room of Requirement and entered their separate bedrooms. Harry and Ginny lay on their bed, wrapped in each other's arms, and Ginny decided to tell Harry the story of her love for him.

"The very first time  I met you at Kings Cross, I had an instant crush on you, but I think that was mainly me being awestruck by the great Harry Potter. But when I started Hogwarts, I had a terrible first year thanks to Tom Riddle. Of course, when you saved my life, the infatuation with you only grew stronger. I couldn't even talk to you for years! In my second year I got to know you a bit better, and knew that you were a really good person, despite how you were raised. It was in my third year, when you had to compete in the Triwizard Tournament, that I think I really started to fall in love with you. I knew you hadn't put your name in that Goblet, the look on your face when Dumbledore read your name was proof. But I knew you well enough by then to know that you wouldn't have done it anyway. You hated the fame, and this would have just made it worse. My idiot brother and your so-called best friend really should have seen that sooner. I hoped you would ask me to the Yule Ball, but even I could see that you only had eyes for Cho. (Harry winced at this part).
Then you tried to rescue all the hostages, not just Ron, and that was when i knew you were the perfect man. My heart stopped when you came out of the maze saying Voldemort was back, I didn't doubt you for a second, all anybody had to do was look at the trauma on your face, it was what everybody had feared for so long.
I was heartbroken in my 4th year when you started dating Cho, a big part of me joining the DA was to be close to you, although don't get me wrong, I really wanted to learn how to defend myself as well (and you were an awesome teacher by the way). I should have told you how I felt, but I didn't think you would ever look twice at me. You just saw me as your best friends sister. But I took Hermione's advice and started dating other guys, and I could finally relax and talk to you. It seemed to work because here we are!" She grinned, waving her hand around to show off her ring.

"Well,throughout my Sixth year, I was constantly arguing with myself. Every time I saw you with another guy, it felt like a monster inside me was trying to get out. I told myself it was brotherly, overprotective feelings, but it didn't take long to realise it was jealousy. I then kept reminding myself that you are Ron's little sister and thinking of what he would do to me! But eventually I couldn't take it anymore, Hermione had told me you had broken up with Dean, and when you ran towards me in the common room after that Quidditch Match, I just went for it. And luckily, you returned my feelings." Harry replied.
"Like there was ever any doubt!" Ginny giggled, resting her head on his chest.
"I really do wish I had realised sooner that you are my soulmate, maybe I wouldn't have wasted all that time with Cho." Harry sighed.
"We're together now, that's all that matters." She whispered, kissing him softly. She updated the gift she had given him for his eighteenth birthday with moving models for the eighth year at Hogwarts, of him proposing to her.

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