Chapter 17- Next!

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The year was now 2006, and the Potter twins were 7 years old, their brother almost 4. The girls were beginning to show signs of magic, and Harry and Ginny decided that James was old enough to be told all about wizards and witches at the same time as his older sisters. All three children were very excited about the fact that they would one day go to Hogwarts to learn magic (as you would expect).

On October First 2006, the Potter's fourth child was born, another boy whom they named after two of the most important people in Harry's life- saddling the boy with the perhaps unfortunate choice of Albus Severus Potter. When he was a week or so old, his parents  introduced him to his cousin Rose- the daughter of Ron and Hemione Weasley, she had been born in the July of that year. Addison and Amber absolutely adored both their little brothers, but especially Albus now that they had a baby to help feed, wash, dress and play with again. They had really enjoyed doing that for James and were eager to repeat the experience.

Harry was loving his teaching job at Hogwarts and had realised that it was what he had really always wanted to do, he didn't know why he hadn't thought about it seriously after the whole business with the DA. Ginny had a whale of a time playing for the Holyhead Harpies in between babies and even won a couple of world cups with them, but had now decided to retire from Quidditch professionally. She would of course always play, both Harry and herself were fond of playing Quidditch with their children to prepare them for Hogwarts from a young age.

Harry and Ginny had agreed that their family was now complete, so were ecstatic for Ron and Hermione when the latter announced her second pregnancy early the following year, and were even more thrilled to meet baby Hugo on December 18th 2007.

Harry had kept in touch with Dudley, and it appeared that his daughter was also showing signs of magic now as well, which Dudley was accepting of, all he wanted was Harry's advice and help with what he should do. Harry agreed to talk to Headmistress Mcgonagall about sending Delilah to Hogwarts when she was old enough.

Harry and Ginny were perfectly happy with their family unit, which was why they were surprised when Ginny discovered she was pregnant again in September 2007.

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