Chapter Thirty Four: Kyungsoo's pov

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After what I had done to Kai, all I wanted to do was make it up to him. I didn't realize how bad what I did was until I saw Kai crying. Watching him cry was the worst thing I had ever seen.

I felt so bad and all I could think to was be clingy. I didn't know what to do.

Once we got back to the apartment after we had left. I wanted to talk to him and I had to. I walked into his room where he was going to be sleeping alone. He looked at me with an unreadable expression.

"Can I talk to you?" I asked standing in the doorway. He nodded to me and I sat on his bed next to him.

"I'm sorry. I really don't know what I was doing. I was stupid and confused. I don't know what had gotten into me, but it caused me to do what I did. I really like you Kai, and I have for a while. Seeing you kissing her made me jealous and I greatly regret it. I just really needed to talk to you. I couldn't continue beating myself up anymore. I'm sorry. I know you both won't forgive me and I'm okay with that. I guess I should go now." I said before standing up. I went to turn towards the door when Kai stood up and grabbed my wrist. I turned to look at him and he had sympathy in his eyes. More sympathy than I had ever seen in anyone before.

"She already forgave you, and I forgive you. And I have always like you too." Kai said before pulling me closer. I could see hunger growing in Kai's eyes.

He pulled me in even closer and kissed me. He stated out kissing me slow, but got more passionate. He pushed me onto the bed and straddled my body. The white haired male was the prettiest sight to see. With his long white locks and dark chocolate eyes made him that much more attractive.

I smiled through his kiss, now getting what I had wanted since before we met Arabelle. We kissed for a long while before he rolled off of me breathing heavily as if out of breath. I went to leave for my room when he grabbed my arm.

"Please don't leave." He begged. I rolled over so I could face his innocent eyes.

"Never." I said before pulling him into a cuddle position and fell asleep. 

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