Chapter Fifty Five: Arabelle's pov

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Out of instinct and fear, I pushed Chen across the room. I thought for a second realizing what I had just did. I looked up at Chen.

"Are you ok-" I stopped him by pinning him against the glass wall of the shower and attacking his lips. I slowly ran my fingers through his hair. He broke away from me and looked at me confused. He went to say something, but I cut him off.

"Oh shut up." I said before kissing him again. He smiled through my kiss making me happier. He flipped me around, but he pushed me against the door of the shower and I fell in. Half of the shower walls were concrete and the other half was glass.

I tried to catch my balance, but failed. Before I could fall though, Chen caught me.

"Fast reflexes." I said with a smirk. He pinned me against the concrete wall and kissed me. He moved from my lips to my neck making me moan loudly. He kissed the sweet spot on my neck making my knees go weak. He held me up by waist and continued to kiss my neck, leaving hickeys. He kissed down my neck and my chest down to the hem of my skirt.

He removed the rest of my clothes, them becoming forgotten. His clothes didn't last much longer either. Everything escaladed quicker than I thought and soon enough I was wrapped in his arms in bed.

"I love you." He said softly into my ear. Then softly kissed my neck.

"I love you too." I said leaning into his kiss. I giggled at the feeling of his lips against my neck. I heard a loud pleasured giggle come from Sarah's room. I started laughing, as did Chen.

He then tickled my bare sides making me squeal.

"Chen!" I yelled playfully hitting his hands away.

"Ahhh.. Stop it!" I yelled as he continued tickling me. He finally stopped and I calmed down.

"I'm gonna get dressed." I said sitting on the side of the bed. He wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Why?" He asked in a whiny voice.

"Because I'm cold." I said as he pulled me back to him.

"Then I'll warm you up." He said hugging my tight.

"Kim, let me go." I said. He knew I was being serious when I said his real name.

"Fine! I guess I'll get dressed too." He said letting go of me. I went over to my suitcase and grabbed a pair of tight pj shorts ,a belly shirt, my bra, and my underwear. Once I turned to look at Chen he was already in bed, but had no shirt on.

"Oh, I like that shirt on you." He said smirking at me. I could feel my face heat up as I covered my stomach.

"I just saw your whole body, and you're going to cover your stomach now?" He asked climbing over the bed and walking over to me. I looked down at his bare chest and bit my lip not realizing I did it.

He looked at me and gently pried at my arms. I loosened my arms and he looked at my stomach. He bit his lip and I put a finger to his lip.

"Stop that." I said going up to kiss him. He dodged my lips making me look stupid. He walked behind me and tackled me to the bed and started kissing my neck and shoulders. He then tickled my sides and I squealed. I flipped over and he pinned me to the bed by my wrists.

He attacked my lips with the most passionate and loving kiss ever. He slowly let go of my wrists and moved his hands to my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he stood up taking me with him, being careful not to break the kiss.

I broke the kiss as he held me above the bed.

"We need to sleep." I said into his lips.

"Fine." He said in the lowest voice possible, making me want him again. He let go of me and I fell onto the bed. I rolled into a comfortable position as Chen crawled into bed.

"Goodnight, precious." He said.

"Goodnight, Kim." I replied. 

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