|:| ONE |:|

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Hi welcome to my book, i hope you enjoy... if you can't read or decided not to read the description of the book this book is discontinued... so re lad ahead but you wont get a ending..... enojoy :)

"I do..." you say, starting at shanes wonderful eyes. My god they are so pretty. Am i really marring this man that i started out as just a fan and now a lover?

"By the power vested in me, i now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride," the man says, i smile so wide i lean in and kiss the man of my life, shane dawson. Im now Mrs. Dawson.
"I love you Mr. Dawson."
"I love you Mrs. Dawson."

Woah woah woah... are you confused? Good. Lets start from the begginig, mother and father having sex to make little old me. No, to far. Lets skip to high school. Where it all began.

|:| YOUR P.O.V |:|

"Bye sweetie, have a great first day!" I roll my eyes. Its high school, whats good about it? Ive been bullied since 5th grade and it just gets worst from here. "Jdmfjd" i mumble, barely even talking english, hell, i dont even know what i said.

I plop in my car. Its an old ass car. Why do i have it still? I work at taco bell, thats why. See my point? I turn the key.... nothing.. i try again.. nothing. "GOD DAMNIT". I yell, slamming my head againts the steering wheel. HONK.. shit... welp. I get out of my car, grabbing my keys, phone and backpack, and start walking. I put in my ear buds in and turn on Spotify, putting my daily jam on consisting of P!ATD, TØP, AND MCR with a mix of other things.

I go into a world of mine own, thinking about how hell is beginning in 20 minutes. I have no friends (a.n what a looser XD) so i "cant wait" to meet new ones. Listen, im that one emo chick that has so much scarcasm that its not ok. No one, i repeat, no one likes me. Not even my dad that left 4 years ago, because of me. Im not gonna go into that, hes just a douche.

As im in my little own world i bumb into someone. I looked up, shocked. Its.... him... shane god damn dawson. I start to blush taking out my ear buds as he takes out his.
"Omg im super sorry," i say, totally not understanding where i got this confidence from. Im usually hella shy around others.
"No, its fine. My fault. My names shane by the way" he says, smile and all. God that fucking smile, i cant.
"Oh, im (y/n), nice to meet u shane. I kinda know who you are already. I watch your skits on youtube. Youre a natural!"
"Wow thanks, you seem pretty cool, wanna hang sometime? I have to get (high school name) but maybe we can go to the mall or so thing later?" Is this a joke? I think wait, arent i going to that school?
"What hight school are you heading towards?"
"(Name of high school)," he says, confusion gowns apon his face.
"Im heading there right now!" I say. Maybe a walking buddy!

|:| SHANES P.O.V |:|

Just minding my own bessniess when someone bumps into me. WTF BRO. I turn around and i see the most beautiful girl in the world. Her eyes sparkled in the sunlight. Her hair, looks so soft and nice. Wow...

|:| YOUR P.O.V |:|

"Well, if were foing the same way, would u like to join me in walking along with you?" He asks. HELL YA. Calm down, be cool.
"Yeah sure, if u want...." It was an awkward silence on the way to school. Thankfully i get their on time. We wave goodbyes and i head off to first period. And i sit down, im one of the first kids in class i watch the door for any bullies of my past.. none. But there is one person that sticks out... Shane.

|:| Authors Note |:|

Hi, so im Haylee. Im 13 and this is my first fan fic. If you have any suggestions, please comment and i would love to answer them and maybe dedicate a chapter to you. Anywyas, i hope you have a great day/night, peace, love, goodbye! 💕 also, i know this is trash, any hate will be blocked

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