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I woke up, curled into shane, my sister was smirking at me from her spot on the floor. I stood up slowly and felt an aching feeling where gabbie had punched me.

I walked to shanes bathroom and applied enough make-up to hide the bruises on my face. Shane walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist before leaving to get dressed for school.

I walked back to the room where my sister was still lying on the floor but now she was scrolling through my phone and laughing at tumblr posts.

I got dressed in some black riped jeans and black long sleeve with a red checkered long sleeve tied around my waist. I grabbed my phone out of my sisters hand before going out to the kitchen and grabbing a cup of coffee/tea and leaving to school with shane.

Shane and I walked into the school building, our hands interlocked, he gave me a feeling of safety and comfort. I saw Liza and David from around the corner, they were holding hands and i cringed thinking about the other day when Shane and I saw Liza and Scotty. They walked up to us and joined our walk to first period we all split ways and went to different classes.

Time skip to lunch

I walked out of my classroom and saw Shane leaning against the wall near the door. He smiled when he saw me and pulled his hands out of his pockets before grabbing my hand and kissing my forehead delicately. I smiled and leant on his shoulder as we walked to the cafeteria. We went to sit down with the 'family' but shane tugged me away last second and we saw a table with four different socially awkward looking men were sitting. 

I nudged Shane in the direction of the table and we akwardly sat down with them. The four men looked at us with smiles and glowing eyes. We smiled back at them and introduced ourselves. They all nodded and introduced themselves. From left to right, there was a boy with ashy grey hair, his name was Joey Graceffa his boyfriend Daniel Preda then there was a boy with raven black hair and extremly pale skin, his name was phil then beside him was his friend Dan, he was wearing all black and had slightly curly brown hair. These people seemed like my kind of people. We sat and talked the whole lunch period until we had to leave for classes, shane and I left for P.E. after getting the other peoples cellphone numbers.

In P.E. we had to do trust excersizes with another class. I saw Dan and Phil walk through the doors and i nudged Shane and we both smiled and beckoned them over. I saw Gabbie walk in behind them and I shuddered before Shane grabbed my hand and clasped it in his tight grip. Gabbie waltzed up to us shaking her hips in an exaggerated fashion. I rolled my eyes and let go of Shanes hand and headed off do trust excersizes with Dan. When the period was over I went into the girls changing room to get out of my track suit.

Gabbie walked in after me and started pulling my hair and tugging at it, I ignored her and pulled down my bag of clothes to get changed. I got changed and was about to head out when someone came behind me and pushed me onto the floor. I fell with a thud and felt my head before bring my hand in view, a thick red puddle sat on the pads of my fingers. I was about to get up when I felt a sharp pain in my ribs, I held back a scream as i heard a cracking noise emite from my ribs.

I heard laughing and all of the girls were chanting something along the lines of

"emo-bitch you deserve no one, im suprised your not dead yet." I got up and ignoring the pain in my abdomen I sprinted out of the changing room and ran and ran, I realised I had no home so I pulled out my phone and texted my sister to pack up our bags and meet me at the park. She text back and said that hrr bag was already packed so she would be there in about ten minutes. I sat and played some music through my headphones. A song played that made me feel inspired to just get out of here, find a hotel, stay there. Leave school and get a new life (runaways by all time low, you should check the song out)

I saw my sister running around a tree to the bench I was sitting on.

We stood up and ventured to a near hotel that had a pool and free wifi.

We booked a room with my mums credit card and we dumped our bags before taking my mums credit card and going on a bit of a shopping spree. 

We found a mall and bought clothing, swimming togs, lots of food, some books, DVDS and lots of chocolate.

We walked back to our hotel room and flopped on the bed with our bags before putting our food in the cupboards and empty mini fridge, my sister and I both pulled out a spoon and a tub of ice cream each.

We sat down watching one of the purchased movies, we were lying under our covers eating ice cream when my phone vibrated, i put my spoon in the tub of ice cream and opened the screen to show the text. I looked at the number it was sent from.

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