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(A.N) HI IM SUPER SORRY FOR NO UPDATES BUT HERE IT IS FINALLY AGHHHH!!<3 Also, I know its not the first and its because I had writers block, but I'm back nowwwww! <3

|:|YOUR POV|:|

I wake up and look around. I get a throbing pain in my head. I realize im not in my comfy ass bed, nor my hell hole i call home. I sigh, remberinmg where i was, shanes house. Just his name gives me butterflys. I look over and Lily is not laying down, so i get up to look around. I head to the kitchen to see if anyone was there, in there was Shane & Lily. I smile at Shane. I grab some coffee/tea and make some toast. I sit at the table, Shane across me, Lily to my right.

"Hi (y/n) how did you sleep?" Shane asked.

"Fine, you?"

"Same old, same old." I nod, taking a bite out of my toast and sipping my tea/coffee.

"We should all get ready for school right? Both Lily and Shane nodded and got up. As I finished my toast I got up and went to the spare room to grab some clothes and a towel. I grabbed a pair of ripped skinny black jeans and a Band tee. I walk down the Hallway and grab a towel and start to head down the stairs to the guest shower. I open the door and see shane doing his hair with only a towel wrapped around his waist. I cover my eyes.

"Ill come when your done just hury up."

"(Y/n) your fine i mean, were dating its not like you weren't gonna see me naked soon," he said with a smirk. I gasp and hit his arm playfully.

"Just.... just tell me when your done." I walk out and wait by the door patiently. As Shane comes out, he leans down and peck me on the cheek. I blush and walk into the bathroom and turn on the shower.

...Le time Skip...

I walk down the stairs from doing my hair and wait by the door for the others. Shane comes down forst the Lily.

"Lily come back here after school. If no one is here just use my laptop up in my room for a while, ill text you when we are near."

Lily nods and we walk out the door. Lily goes left we go right. Shane puts his arm around me and kisses the top of my head. I smile and we get near school.

...le time skip...

We get to school, hand in hand. I look up and smile at the "family" everyone waves except Gabbie. I was confused, she looked pissed off.

|:|GABBIES POV|:| (woah a change so different ⊙_⊙)

As i get to our "family" i look up and see (y/n) and Shane holding hands. I get really pissed off. I wanted him, if she has him, shes gonna have to get threw me. I pull out a slip of blinder paper and a pencil and write a not. I walk around the halls lookong for (y/n) at her locker. As i turn a corner, i see her and shane talking. She put one of her books in a locker. Thats her locker. As she walks away i slip the note into her locker and run off, waiting for the bell to ring.

...le time skip to lunch...

|:|YOUR POV|:|

As the bell rings for lunch i walk to my locker to put away the books i didnt need and to grab my lunch. As i do the combination, a piece of neatly folded papers flys out of the locker onto the ground, it read:

     Hey! Its me gabbie! Just saying we should totes hang out today! If u wanna, meet me by the bus stop. See ya then!

I was very confused why she didnt just text me or came to me in person. I dont really wanna, i just wanna hang with Shane at his house. Maybe ill go over there and talk to her. I start to head to the tables when a hand grabs me. I yelp as i get pulled into a nearby closet by my locker. "Shhhh" i hear a framiller voice. I calmed down a bit and open my eyes to a dark room. A light switches on and i see my boyfriend. I smile at him.

"Why did you pull me in here?" As he does is smirk and pushes me to the wall kissing me harshly. I moan a bit. After a while of kissing and staring we walk out and begin to walk over to the "family" we sit and i wave to everyone. I noticed Gabbie wasnt there and i shrugged it off and enjoyed lunch.

...le time skipppppppp cuz im sawwy...

As the bell rang to end school, i walked over to the bus stop and looked around. I decided to wait by a wall. After waiting about 5 min i decided i was gonna leave. I look up and Gabbie was right in front of me. I was about to say sorry but she put her hand over my mouth and dragged me behind a building. Gabbie pushed me against a wall and began to punch me hard and fast.

"This.... is..what...you..get....SHANES....MINE!" She then grabs my hair and pulls me up. She slaps me across the face and walks away. As I fall to the ground i try to get up. As i stand i feel dizzy and nauseated. I start to blackout. Darkness.

... Le time skip...

As i wake up i notice im in the spear bed room again. I look around and see Shane in a corner crying, not noticing that i have awaken. As i clear my throat he looks up and i can see his red puffy eyes but the smile, the smile is what got me. He looked soooo upset before and to see me awake, he was happy again. He got up and hugged me. I began to cry as i felt like ive finally found somthing that made me happy. After my horrible life, ive realized that all i needed was Shane.

"Shane..... i....i love you" i close my eyes expecting the worse. He lets go

"I love you too." I smile and feel the blush rise to my cheeks.

"What happened?"

"G-gabbie, shes jealous of us."

"Dont worry, ill keep you safe."


Hi, its Me! Once again, im sooooooo sorry about slow updates. Ive been busy and schools just about to start again and ughhh. The next update will be in the next two weeks, once again, peace, love, goodbye!

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