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|:|YOUR POV|:|

I walk to P.E, dreading whats happening next. I didnt want to be here. Ive hated pe since i was in kindergarten. I go to the locker room and look around. Girls with perfect bodies and nice asses and boobs. Im nothing compared to them. I sigh and unlock my locker, revealing my wrinkled shirt and shorts. I pull off my shirt. Quickly, i put on my pe shirt and also my shorts.

I quickly walk out to the gym to line up and wait for everyone else to come out. I stand and look around seeing the same girl that sat next to me in second period. She waves and talks to her friends. I wave back and look the other way, seeing him. Omg, Omg, Omg. Hes in my third period too?!?! I quickly wave and he stars to walk over, doing the justin beiber hair flip that i adore so much.


I start to walk to third period. Its pe, i hate it. Dont even get me started. I walk into the locker room dreading whats to happen next
(A.n  i know shanes fat in HS but let's pretend he isnt ok? Ok.)

I walk to my locker and unlock it, taking out my shirt and pants, nicely folded from last year. I peal off my shirt, looking around at all the fit boys, then look down at me. All my fat that i lost, drooping down. I looked at it with shame, as i quickly out on my shirt. It wasnt much but it was noticeable. I quickly pulled off my pants and put on my PE shorts. I close my locker and head to the gym. I look around looking for her and i see her. She waves and i start to walk over. Where did all this confidence come from? I think.

|:|YOUR POV|:|

"Hi" i say, hella shy.
"Hey" thats all, he came over all confidence and all hes got is "hey"? We smile and talk a little chit chat when (f/n) came over. She looked shane up and down and started to blush. Bitch no, hes mine, backk the fuck up. I guess im the jealous type. If i see somthing i like, imma have it. And if others want it, i will kill them. (F/n) snaps and i come out of my trance. That's when the pe teacher comes out and blows the whistle for us to line up. Once we are all called off, we run laps. 4 to be exact. Thats the whole reason i hate PE, running. The only time i time i run is to get to the ice cream truck in time, thats it.

....time skip brought to you by taco bell...

We end PE and im sweating like a pig. I head to the showers and just rince my body, being very self conscience of my body from the other girls. I finish and go back to my locker to change back into my normal outfit. Thats when the bell rings for 4th period. History....

(A.N) Thank you guys for reading. One thing i would like to point out is that the character might not sound like you. Its hard to  take every individual one of younand put certain things to fit your traits. So, i just put evey magical emo teen to this story. Anyways, hope u enjoy this book. I feel like it will be good! As always, peace love, goodbye! 💕

Instagram: @i_need_a_life.comm
Snapchat: @haylee_unicornz

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