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I awoke in the morning with Shanes arms wrapped around me and my sister facing me. They were both still asleep so I let them be.

Today we were going back to Shanes, I was happy to be back with him and I know that I love him, but does he love me? I guess i'll just have to find out.

|°°|•Shanes POV•|°°|

I woke up to see y/n staring at my face but her eyebrows were furrowed and it looked as if she didnt even notice me there. I tapped her forehead twice and she looked up at me and smiled sweetly before getting up and collecting two cups of coffee from the pot brewing on the bench.

She woke her sister up and gave her a hot chocolate to sip, we all sat under the duvet in the large bed sipping our warm and comforting drinks while watching a movie. We got out of bed at around 12pm. Y/n and her sister got ready while I packed their bags and washed out the cups we had used.

The girls came out of the bathroom giggling but I didnt question it. We all got into my car and drove to the nearest cafe we all sat at a table and ordered our meals, we sat in silence for a while before i reached my hand over the table and grabbed y/n's she jumped and i felt her shiver as my hand touches hers but I also felt the calm in her, the relaxation in her warm hand.

I payed for our meals and we got back in my car, I drove us to my house and we walked through the door holding hands. Y/n carried the large bags of food, that they had bought, into the kitchen.

She went back out to the car with her sister to collect their clothing bags. They walked into the spare but I grabbed y/n's wrist and tugged her in the direction of my room, she looked confused but accepted her fate. I took her bag from her and started to unpack it into my closet and draws. She caught the gist of what I was getting at and she ran up and hugged me, tackling me onto the bed, she hovered above me and leant down, connecting our lips. I heard a person clearing their throat so I pulled away from the kiss and saw my Mum and y/ns sister standing at the door, both of them had their arms crossed and smirks playing on their lips.

Y/n quickly got off of me, a blush forming on her cheeks. I laughed and got up hugging her from behind befor grabbing her hand and pulling her out of my room towards the kitchen where my mum was motioning us to go. We both walked into the kitchen waiting for my mum to speak. She smiled at ys and made coffee before motioning us to sit down at the table.

Bold = Teresa

Italics = Y/N

Underlined = Shane

So, I heard that you two are dating im happy for you both, but if you two are gonna have sexy time you need to be quite and use protection, y/ns sister and I dont need to be hearing you to in there.

MUM STOP! Okay we get it, be quiet. Anything else thats gonna make my girlfriend feel extremly uncomfortable?

You know what Shane, shush okay...

Thank you Y/N but thats it and you said girlfriend shane... is it official?!

yeah, now can we go?

Yes, I love you both dinner will be ready later.

|°°|•Y/Ns POV•|°°|

Shanes mum is so sweet! She makes really awkward situations but shes still the sweetest person ive met apart from Shane.

My phone vibrated in my pocket so I picked it up and looked at the new text, it was from Dan

From Dan:

Hey Y/N we're heading to Starbucks as a group, Daniel, Joey, Phil and I, do you and Shane wanna join ☺

I showed the message to Shane but he said that he couldn't go because he had to make a new video so I said that I would go and he was okay with it.

To Dan:

Hey Dan:

Yeah I will meet you at starbucks in about ten minutes, Shane can't come ❤

|°°|•Dans POV•|°°|

(Changing it up)

My heart was racing as I sent the text waiting anxiously for a reply, my phone vibrated in my clammy hand. My eyes darted throigh the text message she had replied with, I saw a heart at the end of the message and my heart nearly stopped, she couldn't like me could she, no, maybe, Dan stoo dont get your hopes up! Isnt she dating Shane anyway see me this is why you dont fall in love with your friends it always ends badly.

We got to starbucks and saw Y/n waiting she ran up to us and hugged us strongly. I blished as she buried her head in my chest as she hugged me (due to the fact that I am very tall) she hugged phil and then Daniel and Joey, we all ordered our drinks and some food before sitting in the back corner booth. I ended up being squished up into 

Y/n, I could tell she wasnt comfortable so I did the unspeakabke amd pushed her onto my lap she jumoed but then leant back into me after moving around to get comfortable.

She moved again to get her coffee and she put a lot of pressure into the middle of my crotch, I could feel the akwardness setting in, suddenly her face went bright red and she apologized before getting off of my lap quickly, I tried to cover my crotch while drinking my coffee but it didnt help that Y/n was still squashed into my side.

We left starbucks after drinking our coffees and talking for a bit, we walked outside and I saw Shane waiting for Y/n in his beaten up looking car. She waved us off and ran to the car, the last thing I saw was Shane and Y/n kissing and I couldnt help but imagine myself in Shanes Shoes right now...

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