|:| TWELVE |:|

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I rang his phone multiple times, but there was no answer. With tears running down my face I ran into the living room to try and find Teresa, but she was nowhere to be found. I broke down into tears on the floor, I found a post-it-note stuck to the bench. I picked it up, on it was Teresa's number, I rang it and she picked up with sadness evident in her voice.

"Sh-shane he g-got in a car *sob* accident, he wants you y-y/n please g-get down here." 

I dropped my phone and dragged my sister out on the way to the door, we got to the bus stop and got off the nearest hospital.

I sat my sister on a seat in the waiting room with my phone. I ran up to the reception desk and asked for Shane's name. She gave me a number and I sprinted down hallways and past people with each step I held a chant in my mind. Please... be... okay... please... be... okay...

I reached his room and closed my eyes before stepping in. I heard Shane yelling.

"Wheres Y/n?! I WANT Y/N MUM!

I stepped in slowly and Shane's yelling ceased. He tried to get out of the bed but ended up cringing in pain. I ran over to him and placed my head on his chest while I cried into it.

I finally spoke up when my tears had stopped flowing.

"What happened...  why are you here?"

I spoke quietly so that only Shane heard me because I feared that I would start sobbing again if I spoke any louder.

|°°|•Shanes POV•|°°|

What do I say to her? I got in a car accident because I was thinking about who much of a dick I was too you and one of your good friends. Shit! She doesn't know about the whole incident with Dan yet.

"A car crashed into the drivers side door while I was going through an intersection..."

I faded off at the end with a yawn, my body yearned for a sleep. Y/n seemed to notice as she kissed my forehead and sat in a chair beside my bed. We gazed at each other for a while until she stood up and left the room very quickly.

|°°|•Y/NS POV•|°°|

I stood up quickly and dashed out of the room, my sister! Shes probably been sitting there for about an hour! When I got there she was fast asleep in the chair. I smiled as I gently shook her. Shes a small girl from not eating much and the beatings he inflicted on her, but I am small too and much weaker because of the things he did to me, and the responsibilities I had to take on when my mother was drunk, I remember taking the washing to the laundromat down the street once and fainting as I went up the stairs to our house because of my weak legs and the strong load on my arms. My mother beat me that night and my father did even more damage to me and I still feel the filth from that night.

I shuddered and kept rocking my sister until she sat up and gave me a weak smile. On the way back to Shanes room I picked up a couple of coffees and a hot chocolate for me sister. Once we were back at Shanes hospital room I handed Teresa a coffee and we waited out the night.

I woke up with coffee cups surrounding me and my sister sleeping at the end of Shanes bed. Teresa had left a note on the bedside table so I read it. 


Shane is being released today, text me when he can leave and I will come and pick you all up, I will be keeping him at home for a few weeks so that the bruising can fade, you are welcome to stay home too, but you have to leave the house at least once day, you still have a life, i've contacted some of your friends and they've agreed to take you out at least once a day each. They will text you tomorrow to pick you up.



I sighed and silently hated her desicion of getting me out of the house, but I also silently thanked her for the thought.

Shane and I drank multiole cups of coffee and talked for a few hours untuk a nurse came in and released him, he stood up slowly and fell straight onto me, I held him up as my sister rang Teresa.

I supported Shane as we got out to Teresas car. My sister sat in the front and talked with Teresa while Shane fell asleep on my shoulder.

When we got home I gently nudged him awake and helped him out of the car. We got to his room and he fell asleep immediately and I sat on my phone for a while until I got a text that made my breath hitch in my throat.

From Mum:

I hope Shanes okay, I hope I didnt kill him...

Heres a boring chapter with a cliffhanger at the end yeah sorry 'bout that. I didnt know what to write.

I was wondering if you guys could check out the shane dawson x reader on my account, its frickin crappy and weird but...


Peace out ✌

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