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Luke's POV

I grab another beer as I continue talking to Clara. To be honest, I'm not even listening to what she's saying. I'm too busy staring at her lips and looking up and down her body. The outfit she is wearing outlines her curves perfectly and I want nothing more than to have her.

She's laughing and her beautiful brown eyes are squinted slightly. I find myself laughing along with her, although I don't know why she's laughing.

"You seem out of it, what's wrong?" Clara asks me.

"I'm perfectly fine." I give her a reassuring smile.

"But you keep zoning out." She cocks her head to the side in concern.

"I'm great, Clara. Don't worry." I tell her.

"Alright, wanna dance?" She places her drink down and grabs my hand.

"Yea, sure." I respond, letting her drag me into the mass of people.

Although everyone around us are grinding on each other and are practically having sex on the dance floor, we aren't. We're dancing like little kids, jumping up and down and swinging our arms. I have one of her hands in my own and I spin her around as she giggles. Someone bumps into Clara, causing her to loose her balance slightly. I grab her waist and stop her from falling. She looks up at me and smiles in thanks.

"You have pretty eyes." I blurt out.

There's a slight pink tint on her cheeks as she grins. "Not as pretty as yours."

Then she spins around and motions for me to follow her deeper into the crowd. I follow her and she's talking to Michael and Emma.

"Hey guys." I greet them.

"We were just telling Clara that we're going to go outside for a bit. Wanna join? The rest of us are out there." Emma tells me. We always referred to our little group as 'us' because honestly we were the only people that mattered to each other.

"Of course." I reply.

"Let's go then." Clara grabs my hand again and we make our way out of the crowd. Her small, soft hand fits perfectly in mine and I imagine just being able to hold her hand and intertwine our fingers all the time.

We make our way to the back of the house where the rest of our group was sitting by the pool, their feet dangling in the water.

"Luke, Clara! We've been here for like three hours and we haven't seen you at all." Grace exclaims.

"We've just been inside." Clara smiles and takes a seat next to Grace. There's no room to sit next to Clara so I make my way to Calum and sit next to him. I slip off my shoes and let my feet dangle in the cold water.

"So did you finally make a move?" Calum whispers.

I shoot a glare at him. "No, did you?"

"I don't like her for the millionth time." He says, glancing at Malia.

"Which is why you are always talking about her and get excited when we see her." I roll my eyes.

"I hate you." He sighs. "But you on the other hand, are head over heels for Clara. And she's hot dude, you better make a move on her soon."

"I probably won't, Cal."

"Probably won't what?" Michael sits next to me and hands me a cup of something. I don't know what is it but I drink it anyways.

Calum looks at the girls and Ashton who are having a conversation of their own and won't be able to hear us. Then he looks back at Michael. "Luke is too chicken to make a move on Clara."

"Man up, Luke. You've liked her for almost 3 years now." Michael hits me lightly on the shoulder.

I groan. "I'm not having this conversation again."

"But she obviously likes you! You were hanging out for hours in there." Calum tells me.

"Forget it." I sigh and take a sip from my drink.

"Hey guys, see those woods right there?" Ashton says loudly.

"What about them?" I ask.

"Have you heard the stories about them?" He asks.

"No, I'm pretty sure there's no stories." Grace laughs. "They're just really big, dark woods."

"Oh, really? Is that what you think?" Ashton raises his eyebrows.

"I'm pretty sure that's what all of us think." Michael laughs.

"Well how about I just tell you a little story then. I'll see what you think when I'm done." Ashton smirks.

"Go ahead." Calum chuckles.

"Well to start off, those woods are huge. But I think you already know that. They go on for miles and the deeper you get into them, the darker it gets." Ashton starts.

"Are you just going to state facts?" Clara remarks.

Ashton shoots her a look. "No, I'm just starting up."

I sigh. Ashton was always full of ridiculous stories. This will probably just be another one of his strange stories he thinks of when he's up at 3 in the morning.

He takes a deep breathe and starts again. "Well these woods have been around forever. No one's really bothered to go in them though. They're dark, creepy woods, why would you go in them? But about 20 years ago a little boy lost his soccer ball just inside the woods' border."

I look around at everyone and they're all giving Ashton the same look. It's a look of amusement and disbelief that Ashton really thinks we're going to believe a story like this.

"He wanted to get the ball but he was too scared." Ashton continues. "So he got his dad to come with him. They went to the border of the woods but when they got there they heard noises and rustling. They got really freaked out and went away, not getting the ball or anything."

Michael lets out a chuckle. "Do you really expect us to believe this?"

"I'm not done yet." Ashton replies. "So the little boy told his friends and they all were scared of that place. When the little boy and his friends got older they dared a couple of them to go into the woods. Four went in but only one came out. And when he came out it was a week later. The boy that came out wouldn't speak to anyone, he constantly had panic attacks and a couple days later he killed himself."

Grace sighs. "Ashton, babe. Please stop. This is ridiculous."

"Just let me finish!" Ashton whines.

"Fine." Grace groans.

"So the police got in on it. They wanted to know what was going in there. A search team went in and none of them came out. Another police search team came in and a week later one of the polices' body was found on the edge of the woods. He was bloody, missing an arm and stone cold dead. There was a note attached to him saying 'don't ever come in'. Ever since then no one has dared to step foot into the woods." Ashton finished.

We all simultaneously burst into laughter.

"That was the most...ridiculous thing...I've ever heard." Calum manages to say in between laughter.

"But it's true!" Ashton protests.

"Where'd you hear that?" Emma asks.

"My friend told me." He crosses his arms and pouts.

"Aw Ash." Grace rests her head on his shoulder. "I'm sorry but that's totally not true."

"Whatever." He rolls his eyes. "Believe what you want to believe."

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