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Emma's POV

"Michael!" I whisper yell at my boyfriend standing next to me.

"Yea?" He turns to look at me.

"Look out the window!" I point to the backyard.

"Is that Clara and Luke? Kissing?" He squints.

"Yes!" I squeal. "Yes they're finally kissing, oh my god."

"He finally manned up." Michael smirks.

"Grace, Malia!" I hit Malia on the shoulder.

"What?" Malia turns around and glares at me.

"Look!" I motion for them to look out the window.

"Oh. My. God." Grace smiles. "This is amazing."

"Not for me." Malia laughs. "I'm the only single one now."

I watch as they break away, intertwine their hands and walk towards the door. They both have giant smiles on their face and I can't help but smile along with them. They seem to happy.

"Hey guys." Clara says when they walk up to us.

I raise an eyebrow at her and look at their hands. She blushes and mouths "Later."

"No, now." I smirk.

"So you finally manned up, Lucas." Calum teases Luke.

"Calum." He whines.

"I told you just to make a move but you kept refusing. Look where it got you though." Calum wraps his arms around both their shoulders. "Now you have a pretty girl."

"Why were you guys outside?" Grace asks. "I mean, you could've made out upstairs."

Both their faces turn a bright shade of red.

"Oh we went to the edge of the woods." Luke says quietly.

"Why the hell would you do that?" Ashton almost yells.

"Because Clara was scared and I wanted to prove that your story was bullshit." He tells Ashton.

Luke and Clara both get nervous looks on their faces and look at each other. They have a silent conversation with their eyes and Clara bites her lip nervously.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"It was nothing but we heard something in the woods." Clara says.

"It was probably just the wind. But it was a bit weird." Luke finishes.

Ashton grins real big and lifts his head up proudly. "Made up story, huh?"

"It was made up." Malia rolls her eyes. "It was just the wind."

"Oh yea?" Ashton smirks. "Wanna prove it?"

"How?" Calum scoffs.

"We all go in the woods. Unless you're too scared." He looks around.

"Why would we go in there?" Michael asks.

"You say my story is bullshit, why don't you prove that you believe what you say?"

"But what about you, you believe your story." I point out.

"It's a group of eight. Nothing is going to happen." Ashton shrugs. "So wanna prove you're not afraid?"

"I don't see what going in there in the middle of the night is going to do. There was nothing out there." Luke speaks up.

"Are you scared, Luke?" Ashton teases.

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