alternative ending (part 2)

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"Now who wants to play?"

The cabin was silent. 

"Oh don't seem so excited." The man said with a sarcastic voice. "Carter, give me a chair."

Carter nervously grabbed a chair from his table and walked towards the man. He was shaking slightly and was tense, as if the man would kill him at any second. The man gratefully took a seat in the chair, letting out a contented sigh when the pressure was taken off his injured limbs.

"What kind of game?" Carter asked him.

"First, the one who is least injured needs to be tied to a chair." The man answered.

Malia, being the one with the least amount of injuries on her body, was then dragged by Carter into a chair. Then she was tied up tightly with ropes. The cabin was still silent.

"Now I need the brunette next to the blonde boy to come here." The man referred to Clara.

Carter grabbed Clara's arm and tried to drag her away from Luke, but she wouldn't budge. "Move, godammit." He muttered, pulling her hard as she stumbled across the floor.

"Leave me alone." She tried to remove his grip on her arm.

"But don't you want a chance to save your precious dying friend." The man loudly told her and she froze.

"Save him?" Clara asked quietly.

"Yes, save him. Come here, girl." The man motioned for her to come close and he raised his gun, pointing the trigger towards her.

Clara glanced behind her at her friends who were shaking their heads. She didn't know what to do, he said she could save Luke. But should she trust him? Probably not. She couldn't risk Luke dying though.

"Don't you fucking dare." Luke breathed out.

Clara slowly walked towards the man, her steps hesitant and her body shaking with nerves. The man smiled at her as she grabbed the gun he was holding out to her.

"Good, good." The man smirked. "Now, back at my house I have medical supplies. I could fix myself and your friend up in no time. But on one condition."

"And w-what's that condition?" Clara asked.

"Shoot the girl tied up." The man said.

"What?" Clara questioned, shocked.

"Would you rather your boyfriend die, or your other friend get injured?" He smiled knowingly. This was a game of Would You Rather.

"The fuck, Clara?" Grace yelled when Clara turned to look at Malia.

"You don't have to kill her, Clara. I'd actually prefer if you didn't. That's no fun." The man told her.

Clara nervously looked around the room where even Carter was giving her a look of disbelief as she raised the gun to point it at Malia. Malia's eyes were wide as she stared at the gun aimed at her.

"C-clara?" She whispered.

"Stop it!" Calum yelled loudly, his voice full of hurt. "Stop, Clara!"

Tears began to stream down Clara's face. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

There was a loud bang, a scream, and a splatter of blood. Malia's kneecap had been shattered by a bullet. She began to sob uncontrollably, blood running down her leg.

"What the hell?" Grace screamed, running to Clara. Carter grabbed her arms, preventing her from attacking.

The man let out a laugh. "You'd betray your friends that easily? For a boy who's going to die anyways?"

"But you said -" Clara began. 

"I lied, there's no way you can save him." He responded. "Now give me the gun."

"Wait -"

"Give me the gun!" He yelled. "It's not the only gun I have you know! Carter has two, I have another and I also have a button that will kill everyone in the cabin if you don't do as I say!"

Another button? Calum thought. Shit.

Clara reluctantly handed him the gun. "But -"

"Bye." The man said and there was another bang but this time, no scream of pain.

However, screams of horror filled the cabin as the world seemed to move in slow motion. Blood poured out of Clara's skull as her body fell to the floor with a thump.

"Clara!" Luke's scream was the loudest, despite him having the least amount of energy.

"Now who's next?" The man asked. "How about you?" He looked at Grace.

"I'll pass." Grace backed up, putting her hands up.

"You can't pass." The man scoffed. "Now come here. Carter, make her come here."

Carter stepped behind her and grabbed her upper arm, pushing her towards the man.

"Carter, tie her hands to the table."

"But -" Carter tried to protest.

"Do it!"

Carter flinched but began to slowly tie her hands to the table. Grace was crying and whispering to Carter to stop but he ignored her, biting his lip so hard that it began to bleed.

"Now the boy who isn't dying, come here." The man looked at Calum.

"Umm," Calum hesitated.

"Come here." He snarled.

Calum had to walk over Clara's dead body to get to him, and he almost burst into tears. He did gag at the sight and he let out a soft whimper. The man handed him a knife and Calum hesitantly took it.

"Okay. Would you rather stab your tied up friend in the stomach or cut off the other girl's hand?" The man asked.

"What? Neither." Calum answered quickly.

"Neither isn't an option, sorry." The man said, not sounding sorry at all.

"Calum, do it." Grace whispered.

"No, I'm not going to do this. I'm not a monster." Calum snapped.

"Boy, I could easily kill you and your friends. You better choose one."

Calum quickly looked back and forth between Malia and Grace, both of them with a sad expression on their face. He felt himself getting sick to his stomach at the though of what he had to do.

"Calum, do it." Grace whispered again.

He was clueless as to what to do, and being told which option to choose basically swung his brain that direction. He didn't want to do it, but he lifted the knife up and swung it down on Grace's wrist. Her hand was removed from her body and she let out sobs and screams alike.

"Now let's watch as she dies." The man said.

"Dies?" Calum gasped.

"Yea, the knife was covered in a fast acting poison. She'll be dead within an hour. You just killed her." The man smiled. 

Grace began to sway in her spot and her face turned white. Her knees gave out and her breathing was fast.

"No, no, no." Calum muttered.

The man clapped his hands together. "Isn't this fun?"


emma and michael on the side. (the manip was made by neonwesley and it's v good.)

one shot contest ends in a week!

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