alternative ending (part 1)

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((all alternative ending parts will be in third person))

"How do you open this door?" Grace quickly asks Carter. 

Luke and Calum had just been heard from outside the small shack. They were banging furiously on the door, begging to be let inside. Gunshots were blasting off and panic was rising inside of everyone.

"If you open that door, the guy shooting the gun will come in!" Carter yells at her.

"And if we don't open the door our friends will die and do you honestly think that man won't find another way inside?" Grace retorts angrily.

Carter tries to protest but gives up when a scream of pain comes from outside. "Move." He says, pushing past Grace and going to the door. He begins to unlock all the intricate locks and finally the door opens with a click.

Luke and Calum raise into the house, both of them a bloody mess. Carter quickly closes the door, locking it up and putting tables and chairs in front of the door for extra protection.

"Guys, are you okay? Oh my god." Malila asks, freaking out. She immediately runs over to Calum's side, picking up materials to help it. "I'm so stupid of course you're not okay."

"Malia, calm down." Calum breathes out.

"No, I can not calm down, ohmygod." She responds as she begins to wipe excess blood from Calum's body.

Carter brings over a bucket of water and makeshift bandages as Clara and Grace tend to Luke's wounds. He's in a worse condition than Calum is and is loosing blood at a rapid pace. Bullet and stab wounds cover his body and he sounds like he's coughing his lungs up.

"Luke, Luke, you're going to be okay." Clara whispers, more to reassure herself than Luke.

"Don't kid yourself." Luke choked out.

"Shut the fuck up, man." She glared at him then turned to Grace sitting next to her. "What do I do?"

"I don't know." Grace was crying and shaking her head, she was a mess just like everyone else.

None of the kids knew anything about anything medical related, and it didn't help that they were currently freaking out because now they were absolutely helpless. No one knew how to help the very badly injured boy or the boy that was currently dying right in front of them.

"Okay, Luke, look at me." Clara said, grabbing Luke's chin to force him to look into her eyes. "Whatever you do, you are not going to die. You are going to fight for your fucking life and you are not going to let your last breath go. You are not going to leave me. I don't care what happens but you are not going to leave. We can't lose anyone else."

"Clara, I can't -" Luke began to cry.

"No, Luke. You are not going to leave." Clara began to softly cry as well, a stream of tears falling down her face. "I love you, don't leave me."

"We can't stay here." Calum spoke up. "We need to leave."

"Calum, you're hurt." Malia told him.

"And Luke's dying. But we're all going to die if we stay here." He snaps.

"You guys aren't going anywhere." Carter broke up their small argument.

"And why not?" Grace stood up, placing her hands on her hips.

Carter tsk-ed. "I can't let you leave."

"Why the fuck not?" Grace was starting to get pissed.

"It's my job, you see. To not let stupid kids out." He responded.

Beside Clara, Luke let out a string of incoherent curse words because of both pain and frustration. He could feel himself slowly losing all his energy and his body was starting to give out. He was sticky with sweat, blood, and dirt and could hardly hold himself together.

"Carter, please." Clara tried to beg.

"I'm sorry, but this is where you're going to die." 

"Please, don't -" Malia began to sob as Carter walked to the door and unlocked it with ease.

"About time, Carter." The man walked in. "I'm actually hurt, you dick head."

"I'm sorry." Carter flinched at the man's voice, like he was scared of him as well. But who wouldn't be?

The man looked around the room at the remaining 5 kids, all exhausted, scared and filthy. Then he spoke. "We've got a good bunch here. Gave us a run for our money. We didn't ever expect eight to come in at once."

"Leave us alone, you bastard." Calum spat.

The man just smiled and walked over to Calum. "Be careful what you say, boy." Then his fist collided with Calum's face.

"The blonde one is dying." Carter told the man, referring to Luke.

"Oh but I like him. And I'd rather play the game with an odd number." The man responded with a sigh.

"The game?" Carter asked, speaking the thoughts of all the kids in the room.

"I thought of a new one, you know how much I love games." He said.

The room was silent except for Luke's short breathing and whimpers of pain. Everyone, including Carter, was shocked. He had been told that if he kept the children from exiting they would simply be shot, put out of their misery, then he would be allowed to leave. He knew nothing of whatever horrific game the man had put together.

The man smiled at the scared faces. "Now who wants to play?"


first part of the alternative ending :) the parts will all be short but i will update once every other day (maybe everday depeding on how busy i am). the full alternative ending should be done by next week.

i didn't know if i was going to make several alternative ending or just one and do it over a few chapters but i decided on the latter.

the one shot contest ends in a week! (the last day of september) make sure to post yours and send me the link/dedicate it to me.

the picture of the side is ashton and grace (before ashton died obviously)

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