*chapter one *

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My trip to America has come to an end , beautiful beaches , amazing weather and incredible monuments . Now i have to go back to England , great . 

"Ava stop day dreaming . " Dad says to me a smile perking up on his lips . 

" sure dad ." i say giggling .

"will flight 5067 board on gate 15 ." a flight attendant says into a microphone .

"looks like paridise is over avie?" Dad says ,

my smile transforms back into a frown , 

"oh avie dont look at me like that , i promise we can come back next year . "

My smile perks up a bit .

We walk towards  the gate the flight attended looks at my passport , and hands it back to be "Your seat 13 B , near the middle ."  i nod my head and start heading towards the aircraft , i look behind me to hear the flight attendant saying , "Sorry sir it looks like you've booked yourself a different  flight to England ." 

" Can't i just go on this plane , my daughters only 14 , she needs me with her ." 

" Sorry sir the flights already over - booked as it is ."

"Dad ? "

"ava just go on this plane and i'll get your grandmother to pick you up . " dad says trying to hide his dissapointment . Tears well up into my eyes .

" Flight 5067 you have one minute to board the plane before departure ." My dad nods at me to board the plane , i sprint into  the plane and attempt to find my seat .

"12 a , 12 b , 13 a , 13 b , looks like im here . " I say to myself . 

Next to me is a slighty plumper boy , who gives me a warm smile as i shuffle sideways into my seat . 

I sit down and get my headphones out , looks like this is going to be as long flight . Before i can get the second ear bud in the boy speaks , " Hey, whats your name ? " He says with a prominent American accent , " Oh im Ava" i say , putting my hand out to shake his , he accepts the offer and shakes my hand . " So your american i guess ? " i say .

"Yeah i am , and i guess your british . "  i smile and ask "what are you doing coming to England ? "

" Well im coming with my cadet group ." The chubby boy says and points briefly at the boys in a navy blue uniform , a blonde boy catches my attenetion , his jawline is sharp and his uniform outlines his toned muscles , the blonde boy notices me and raises and eyebrow at me , i look away and stare out of the window , " And that's Jack Merridew , trust me he's bad news . "

"how so ?" i ask , " He's just not a nice kid OK? " The chubby boy saysd , he can see that im shoked by his reaction and apologizes , and focuses his eyes back onto the movie he's watching . 

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