*chapter 8*

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We head towards the cave , Whilst's jacks playing with the top of my shorts .

"jack please can we just do this for another night ?" I ask , 

"cm'on Ava your no fun ." He says taking his shirt off , 

"Jack im not in the mood?" 

"Why , why not?"

"its-its-its just ?" 

"Your no fun." He says frowning , 

"just can we not tonight ?" i say hopefully rubbing his abs ,

"Fine ." He says shrugging his shoulders . 

"jack don't be like that ."

"be like what ?"

i sigh , 

"Exactley," He says and rolls his eyes . 

He turns away and falls asleep , 

Ava , you need to do this , for piggy , for ralph and for yourself. Shit , i was supposed to give Ralph and Piggy food , i head out towards the fire and collect some meat, i go down castle rock and tothe cave on the left , i grab a leaf and wrap the eatin it and put it in the cave .

I tiptoe back to Jack a slide in next to him , thank god he didn't notice i gone .


I wake up and turn over to see no Jack next to me , well done Ava . I run out of the cave , it's raining alot , he can't be hunting in this ? I spot sam n eric and run towards them . 

"Where's jack ?" i ask ,

"he's gone into the forest to get food ."

"okay "i reply and run towards the forest , i spot him by the lagoon , sitting down and sharpening his spear ,

"Jack !" I shout and run towards him ,

"what do you want Ava?"He asks , not looking me straight inthe eye.

"Jack what did i do to you?" I Ask crossing my arms and pouting .

"Look ava i don't give second chances , i know you dont like me ."

"No Jack I don't like you I fucking love you ." I say tears spurt down my cheeks ,

1 tear runs downs jacks face " prove it then ." 

There's a moment of awkward silence ,  " exactley , " he sighs and starts to walk away ,


"No Ava you don't love me ."


I press my lips up against his , first he replies softly put then more ergent , his hands grip my waist and he pushes me up against a tree, he nibbles my ear and i giggle , his lips move down towards my neck and kisses me , i moan . 

The rain pours down more ,"Ava lets go back to the cave , and we can carry on there . "

I groan and he smirks , "looks like you want me pretty badly . " He teases ,

I pout and play with his hair , he laughs and picks me up , we enter castle rock and jack carefully drops me on the floor , i tug on his top , practically begging him to take it off . He takes it off . I admire his toned abs , " like what your seeing?" He teases , i nod and bite my lip .

His hand travels up my t-shirt , he lifts it off and over my head . placing his hand on one of my breasts . My lips crash onto his , i stick my tongue on his top lip asking for entrance , he parts his lips and i explore his mouth . Somthing i've been longing to do . 

Before we get any further roger enters the room , "ROGER!" Jack shouts , i grap my t-shirt and cover my body with it .

"What the fuck dude , privacy ?" 

"Sorry , i just thought to tell you that the feasts ready ." 

"Just knock next time ." Says jack .

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2017 ⏰

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