Sick Day

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Come on. Just a few more inches-why'd it have to be so goddamn far away? Keith's hand slipped away from the remote on his bedside table. He groaned loudly before collapsing back into the plethora of fluffy pillows surrounding him.

"You have gotta be SHITTING me!" Keith's voice sounded like a snot-infested gremlin, which was appropriate for his situation but annoying nonetheless.

His phone vibrated next to him. Rolling his eyes and sniffing through his red nose, Keith hit the "TALK" button after four weak attempts. "Hey, Shiro..." he managed to sniffle out.

"Keith! C'mon, bud, you're still in bed? Get up and drink some orange juice now!"

Keith raised an eyebrow. "How did you know I was-?"

His roommate cut him off, "Look. You need to take care of yourself. It's bad enough I can't be there to help you out!"

"Shiro, dude, it's just congestion. And...maybe some strep throat..."

"Nonsense. It's not JUST anything. You didn't sleep at all last night because you couldn't lay down without coughing due to post nasal drip. And Hunk told me your temperature went up to 101 Fahrenheit last night. Don't lie to me Keith, this is a big deal."

Keith rolled his watery eyes. "Okay, yeah, I feel like shit."

Shiro continued. "You know I can't be there. You know, seeing as though I only just arrived in Japan."

"Shiro if you even think about flying back- just focus on seeing your family!"

"Anyways, I'm sending someone over to help. Depends on who's available today. Just expect the door to ring in about fifteen minutes, alright?"

Keith sat up swiftly. "W-wait. When did you say-?!"

Shiro once again cut Keith off. "Rest up, buddy. You need it. And for the love of all that's good, don't push yourself! I know you're stubborn enough to try."

Keith sighed in defeat. "Whatever Shiro. Just please don't worry about me too much. I can take care of myself, y'know. Also try not to tell anyone that my voice sounds this crappy."

"No problem, man. Just take care of yourself. I'll see you in five days." And with that, Shiro hung up.

Although he wouldn't admit it Keith was happy that he had good friends. He started off at the University of Altea as a complete loner. During high school he was nothing more than an outcast. He kinda had it coming to him though, since nobody really wants to be friends with a gay, rebellious, borderline-emo foster teen. The one friend he had in high school was a girl in his physics class, but they had ended their friendship after graduation.

Keith's freshman year of college began similarly. He refused to talk to anyone, not even his roommate. He ate alone, studied alone, and avoided interaction with his professors. Eventually a junior by the name of Takashi Shirogane noticed Keith's isolation. He stumbled across Keith while studying at the library. Keith had his black hoodie draped over his face and his headphones were plugged in. Takashi introduced himself by his nickname, Shiro, and proceeded to drag Keith to meet new people and make friends.

For the first time, Keith could say that he had a group of friends that he cared about. Sure, it took him a while to warm up to them. But he grew to love and care for his peers. Keith began to feel something he never thought he would feel before. He felt as if he somewhat had a family.

Flash-forward to nearly a year later. Shiro and Keith became roommates, and Keith grew to consider Shiro his best friend. Everyone who he and Shiro were friends with looked out for him, especially when Keith told them about his backstory as an orphan.

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