Chapter 14

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       I follow Jug as he marches down the halls of the school placing flyers on the wall and handing them to students. They were for the drive in's last show. My childhood escapes end. I knew what Jug was going through. It was a special place that meant something to us. "You're mad at me aren't you," I say to him.

  "I'm not," He says.

 "You seemed it, you didn't come to my place last nice, you hardly talked to me all morning," I say, "Whats wrong?"

  "It's nothing," He says. "Archie." I look over to see Archie as he joins us.

"I know about it too," I say to him.

"Great," He says, "How hard it would even be if I've me a little heads-up?"

"Look, I am, by nature, a conscientious objector," Jug says turning into another hall, "Not saying anything to either you or Betty or shit even Y/n was the most moral, apathetic choice I could make."

"But, Jug. She's not going to write about me and Grundy in the paper, is she? Like she did with Chuck?" Archie asks. Jug scoffs and leads us to a different spot.

"Dude, seriously? Okay. Come on. Think about what you're asking. If there was even an iota of a chance that something could hurt you in any way, Betty wouldn't do it," Jug says, "Probably."

"Oh, my God," Archie says.

"I'm kidding," Jug says "But maybe she has a point. What do you see happening with Grundy, long-term? What do you want?"

"I want to be with her," Archie says I roll my eyes as he continues, "I don't know how, but I wanna hang on to what we have for as long as possible."

"Yup. I feel that. Trying to hold on to something a lot older than me, too," Jug says.

"Just If Betty's gonna do anything crazy, can you please let me know so I can do something to stop it?" Archie says.

"Betty won't hurt you I promise Archie," I say, "Now it is my turn to talk."

"Oh boy," Jug says.

"What the hell were you thinking?!" I say.

"I love her," He says.

"I get that," I say, "but Archie I would do anything to protect you why the hell wouldn't you tell me. Or for fuck's sake even just warn me. I had to learn it from Diltion fucking Doiley."

"Diltion knows?" Archie asks.

"No, and are you fucking kidding me?" I say.

"Diltion knew about Grundy being there, not you two," Jug says.

"Listen, Archie," I say, "As one of your best friends, and not even the one who is fucking in love with you might I add. I thought we would talk about shit like this." He doesn't say anything but just looks down.

"Y/n please don't say anything to anyone," He says.

"Seriously?" I ask, "Are you even fucking listening?"

"I am it is just," He says, "I care about Grundy. I don't want to loose her."

"Well," I say, "I won't tell anybody. I never would tell anyone because that would hurt you. I wouldn't hurt my boys."

"Thanks, n/n," Archie says.

"Again with the boy's thing?" Jug says.

"Yes and you love it," I say.

"Alright I have to go," He says, "see you guys later."

"Bye Archie," I say as he walks off. I look at Jug still angry and I sigh.


"What is wrong with you?" Kevin asks me as he, Veronica, and I walk through the school to the exit.

"What are you talking about?" I ask him.

"Pops last night," He says, "you seemed mad, or disappointed."

"I'm fine," I say.

"Y/n don't lie," Veronica says.

"I'm just confused," I say.

"About?" Kevin asks.

"Relationships?" I say.

"Oooooo who does little Y/n have her eye on," Veronica says.

"Someone who I thought felt the same," I say, "but lately I don't know."

"Is this Jug?!" V asks sounding excited.

"No, it's not," I say looking away.

"Liar," Kevin says.

"I am not lying," I say.

"You so are," Veronica says.

"I am not lying!" I say.

"Lying about what?" Betty asks. I look at V and Kevin pleading with them not to say anything.

"Y/n here says she is busy the night of the last movie at the drive in," Veronica says, "and that's why she isn't going with us."

"We were calling her bluff," Kevin says.

"Y/n since when do you miss drive-in movies?" Betty asks.

"I have to work on my portfolio for the art teacher," I lie.

"We say it can wait," Veronica says.

"It can," I say, "fine I'll go with you guys."

"Yay!" V says.

"So whats up Betty?" I ask.

"I'm going to Pops to talk to Archie about this whole situation," She says, "and I want you guys to come."

"Well duh," V says.

"Sure," I say.

"Alright well we will see you later Kevin," V says.

"Bye Kev," Betty says.

"Bye Kevin," I say waving to him.

"See you guys," He says walking off.


I sat by the window beside Betty who was in the center facing Archie.

"Ms. Grundy showed up in Riverdale a year ago, out of thin air. There's no record of her before that. Her Facebook, her LinkedIn account, they were all created one year ago. Before that, she's a ghost. She doesn't exist.The only Geraldine Grundy I could find was a woman who died seven years ago," Betty says.

"How Where did you find all this?" Archie asks.

"The deep web. The dark Internet," V says, "Check it, it's all online. Simple googling."

"And did you cyber-stalk Ms.Grundy before or after you interviewed her for a fake article? Why are you doing this, Betty? - I'm not in any danger," Archie asks."-You don't know that," Betty says."Yeah, I do, I'm with her. I know what we have, and you don't," He says to her."She taught Jason Blossom. Did you know that?" Betty says.

"She's taught a lot of people, Betty. What's your point?" Archie asks.

"My point is, you don't know anything about her, Archie. Doesn't that worry you?" Betty asks.

"-Betty, let this go," Archie says.

"-Archie, please," Betty says.

"-If you're really my friend, you'll let this go," Archie says.

"Okay. I'm sorry. I'm done. I'll stop digging," She says.

"Good," He says, "I have to go."

"Bye Arch," I say.

"Bye you guys," He says. After the bell rings signaling that he left Veronica gets up and moves into the other booth.

"You okay Betty?" I ask.

"Yeah I'm fine," She says, "But I have an idea."

Lucky// Jughead x Reader (book one in Lucky Series) Where stories live. Discover now