Chapter 38

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"BOYS!" Fred yells walking into the room. I feel the blanket go over my head and Fred sighs. "We have a guest?" Fred asks.

"Archie let her in," Jug says. I move the blankets and rub my eyes.

"And Jug let her in his bed," Archie says. I sit up and laugh.

"Heyyyyy Fred," I say.

"Hey Y/n," he says. Jug sits up and sighs. Fred leaves the room and I lay back down. "

"Oh shit Alice," I say jumping up.

"Oh yeah she is gonna kill you," Archie says.

"Fuck off," I say, I give Jug a quick peck and wave. "Bye guys see you guys at school."

"I'm not going," Jug says.

"What? Why?" I ask.

"My dad was arrested for killing a fan favorite at the school," he says.

"Fair point," I say, "well I have to go. Bye Jug."

"Bye Y/n," he says. I walk down the steps and Mary appears by the door.

"Sneaking out at night," She says, "and sneaking into my son's room? And you want to know why I don't think you should be around my kid."

"My boyfriend's dad was just arrested Mary," I say, "He couldn't sleep and I came over to make sure he did."

"Sure you did," She says.

"And your son let me in," I say.

"Of course he did," She says, "and that's from your influence."

"Whatever Mary," I say walking past her out the door. I run over to Betty's and try to open the door. It was locked. Someone locked it behind me. I pull out my phone and text Betty. When the door opens.

"Sneaking out didn't work out huh?" She asks.

"I was with Jughead cheering him up because of everything," I say walking in, "and fell asleep." I walk up the stairs to Bettys room shut the door behind me.

"Walk of shame?" Betty asks.

"I didn't sleep with him Betty," I say, "I just slept. Like actually was asleep." I sit down and grab a pair of high waisted black jeans and a white crop top with plants on it. I pull on the outfit and sigh.

"I didn't say you did," she says.

"You implied it," I say as I pull on my high tops. I grab my hair and brush my hair and put on a dark purple lipstick.

"So is he okay?" She asks.

"He isn't coming in today," I say, "but he wasn't as upset this morning."

"That's good at least," she says.

"It really is," I say.

"He is lucky to have someone like you," she says, "that was really clear last night."

"Thanks, Betty," I say, "but he honestly isn't that lucky to have me. I'm a mess. I only knew what I was doing because that's what helped me."

"Still," Betty says as I finish my eyeliner. I throw my bag over my shoulder and sigh.

"It's just nice he has all of us," I say "Now we should get to school."

"Alright let's go," She says. We walk down the steps and I grab a banana from the fruit bowl. Then I head out the door. I climb into the truck and start it.

"Wait!" Archie yells running towards me.

"What Archie what?" I say as he walks up to my window.

Lucky// Jughead x Reader (book one in Lucky Series) Where stories live. Discover now