Chapter 24

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    "You have a call  from Lindale Maximum Security prison do you accept the charges?" The automated voice says.

       "Yes?" I say.

        "You will now be put through to the call," the voice says.

        "Hello?" I ask.

       "Hey pumpkin," A harsh voice cuts through.

      "Dad?" I ask.

      "It's me pumpkin," He says.'

      "Don't you dare call me that," I hiss.

     "Awe baby why are you so angry?" He asks.

     "You fucking killed my mother and sister! Why the hell wouldn't I be?!" I scream.

     "You didn't hear did you?" He asks.

     "You're appealing the ruling I know," I say. 

    "The lowered my sentence," He says, "I'll be out in a month or two"

    "I don't give a fuck," I say, "and don't call me anymore. I don't care if you are fucking dying in there do not fucking call me."

   "Don't act like that," He snaps.

  "Fuck you, okay fuck you, don't call me, don't come near me or anyone I know," I say and hang up. 


  "Gotta stop blowing me up," Jug says to Archie. I lay on Archie's bed watching them play the game.

"You're going the wrong way," Archie says, "You're going the- What are you doing? Come on." 

"You're the one who keeps accidentally killing me," Jug says.

 "War is hell, Jug," Archie says. 

"No, Archie, hell is other people," Jug says.

"Yes but that doesn't change the fact you're shit at this game," I say. Fred knocks then opens the door.

"Hey, guys, getting pretty late And Whoa! It's kinda ripe in here," He says.

"I told you two that it stinks in here," I say.

"Does someone wanna open a window?" Fred says Archie jumps up.

" I got it," Archie says.

"You settling in, Jug?" Fred asks.

"Oh, completely. It's like Archie and I are just roommates in a college dorm," Jug says. I roll my eyes and he smirks at me.

"Oh, great. What does that make me, the RA?" Fred asks.

"No, you're the third roommate," Archie says as he laughs.

"All right, guys, I got a big day tomorrow," Fred says. 

"Yeah, breaking ground on the SoDale project, right?" Archie asks.

   "Yeah. Indeed, we are. Sorry, 'cause I know it's kind of a sore spot with you, Jughead, about the drive-in," Fred says.

"As long as you build something beautiful in its place," Jug says.

 "Well, I don't know about beautiful, but it's gonna be big," Fred says, "Night, guys."

 "Night, Dad," Archie says.

"Oh, and Jughead," Fred says walking back to the door. Jug looks up, "No girls here this late, even if it is Y/n."

"We aren't even dating," I say.

Lucky// Jughead x Reader (book one in Lucky Series) Where stories live. Discover now