Chapter 29

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  "Lily I need your help," I say walking into her trailer.

 "You only seem to come here when you need it," She says.

 "You have kids to worry about so I don't need to add to your problems. Unless I absolutely need to," I say.

"I'm joking what's up kid?" She asks.

"I wanted to know if the serpents had any jobs that I could do," I say.

"No," She says.

"Please Lily I'm about to be evicted and I need money," I say, "I have asked around and no one is hiring."

"I know a guy who could help," She says, "but Y/n are you sure?"

"I have to, I have no other way to pay my landlord," I say, "he raised my rent by a lot and is draining my savings."

"Fine," She says she grabs a piece of paper and scribbles down something. "That's his address."

"Thanks, Lily," I say.

"Please be careful," She says.

"I will," I say. 


 "You here from Lily," an older guy says from the porch of the trailer I was walking towards.

  "Yeah, I'm her niece," I say, "she said you could help me with a job."

"Come in," He says standing up and going inside the trailer. I follow and he points to his couch, "sit down."

 "Alright," I say sitting down. He leaves the living room and leaves me alone. I take a deep breath and try to relax. He walks back in and tosses me three baggies. "What is this?" 

"Drugs," He says.

 "Oh my god," I say.

"I'll give you $100 dollars for each," He says, "they are fairly large so you could get in more trouble. The higher the risk the bigger the pay."

"How much trouble?" I ask.

"Enough," He says, "but they won't think we would give it to kids to sell."

"Oh my god," I repeat.

"You gonna do it or not?" He asks.

"I guess I have to," I say shoving the bags into my pocket.


  I knock on Archie's door waiting for someone to answer. After a couple more knocks Archie opens the door. "You are here later than normal," He says. I smile and chuckle. Oh, Archie if only you knew what the hell I was doing.

 "I went to my Aunt's house last night and got home late," I say.

"How is your Aunt doing?" He asks as we walk up to his room.

"Fine," I say.

"Hey Y/n," Jug says as I walk into the room. He was sitting in a gaming chair in front of the TV. "I was starting to get worried when you didn't stop by last night."

"I told you I was going to Lily's," I say.

"You typically don't stay there that long," He says.

"It was Sophia's birthday," I say, "I figured that I should stay for a bit and celebrate with them."

"Understandable," Archie says.

"So," I say sitting at the end of Archie's bed behind Jug's chair, "what did I miss?"

"Archie got dumped," Jug says.

"Oh, you and Valerie broke up?" I ask.

"Yeah, she didn't like me hanging around Cheryl like that," he says, "she says they were buying me."

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