Chapter 3

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Dan went home that day unable to get the smile off of his face. He had a friend. An awesome one, at that. Phil was so kind and had similar interests to Dan. Someone he could relate to and connect with.

With that, he came to a decision.

Dan knocked on his mother's bedroom door. "Mum?"

"Come in," Dan's mum said from the other side of the door. "Is there something you need? Are you okay?"

Dan shut the door behind him. "I just wanted to talk to you."

She set down the book she had been holding and patted the bed next to her. Dan sat and curled his legs under him.

"You know I have cancer," Dan stated. Tears began to well up in his mother's eyes.

"Oh, don't say it like that." She ran er fingers through  his hair.

"There's no point in saying it any other way; it's the truth." Dan took a deep breath. "Anyways, what I came in here for, is your opinion."

"Oh?" She seemed surprised. "Do tell."

"Well- I was thinking- Before I die- What I want to do- Well, you see-"

"For God's sake, boy, spit it out!"

"Well," Dan tried starting over. "What I was thinking was, what I want to do before I die, is I want to fall in love."

Dan's mother's mouth fell open in shock as she processed what Dan had just said. Tears started falling down her face while she attempted to hold in racketing sobs.

Dan hugged her and stroked her hair, comforting her. Once she finally collected herself, she said, "It will only bring you more pain when- when the time comes."

"I know, Mum, but I feel like love is the one thing I absolutely must experience before my death," he said this so calmly, even he was surprised he was able to keep himself together. He could feel the pain radiating off of his mother as she listened to what he wad telling her.

"If that's what you truly want, truly, then I think you should. You should get the same opportunity as everyone else," she said supportively.

Dan smiled at her and hugged her once more. "Thank you, Mum. I agree."

Dan went to his room and fell asleep that night wondering how he was going to manage to fall in love in what little time he had left.

Word count: 399

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