Chapter 7

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Dan and Phil were walking through the park when it started raining. Mothers and fathers left with their children and kids with their friends. Dan and Phil were the only ones remaining.

They continued walking in the rain until they found a large tree that was keeping the ground under it mostly dry. Phil shuffled his music and balanced his phone on a low branch to project the volume better.

"Let's dance," Phil said while offering Dan his hand with a smile. "Or should I say dance."

Dan laughed while taking Phil's hand. "You are such an idiot."

Phil only smiled. "The Fault In Our Stars by Troye Sivan," he said as the song came on. His expression quickly became worried. "I can change it if you want."

"No," Dan whispered as they began their dance. "I like this song."

The pain, it's determined and demanding to ache.

"But I'm okay," Dan sang along with the song, studying the emotions crossing Phil's face.

The stepped rhythmically to the music.

I don't want to let this go, I don't want to lose control.

Phil spun Dan under his arm. When the reconnected, Dan's sad brown eyes gazed deeply into Phil's supposedly cheerful ones. He always appeared happy, whether he was faking it or not. Though, Dan suspected he really was happy in that moment. There, with Dan, dancing to music in the rain. It was perfect.


If not for one circumstance.

"You lost part of your existence in the war, against yourself," Phil softly sang.

They took more steps of the dance.

I don't want to say goodbye, someone tell me why.

Rain water dripped out of Phil's hair, plastering it to his head, and onto his nose and jaw. Dan's hair began to curl at the ends. The grass squished beneath their feet.

I just want to see the stars with you.

"I do want to see the stars with you, Phil. I want that so badly," Dan said quietly.

Phil smiled at Dan. "We can arrange for that."

The two were so focused on each other, they didn't notice when the song changed.

There's no sunshine, this impossible year.

Phil lead the dance a fraction faster.

There's no good times, this impossible year.

Phil let go of one of Dan's hands and spun him away from him so they were an arms-length away. They stayed that way for a moment, smiling, before Dan spun back into Phil's arms.

There's no you and me, this impossible year. Only heart ache and heart break.

They swayed to the music. Dan watched Phil while waiting for the painful truth of the last verse.

These nightmares always hang on past the dream.

Phil spun Dan one last time, but instead of dancing once more as he was pulled back, he dipped Dan and leaned down toward him.

Dan glanced at Phil's lips before returning his gaze to Phil's inexplicably beautiful and complicated eyes.

"There's no sunshine," Dan whispered along with Brendon Urie, his warm breath spreading across Phil's face. "There's no you and me."

Dan trailed off as he wrapped his arms around Phil's neck and pulled himself closer. Phil placed his hands on Dan's back, supporting him, as he bent his head.

"There's no good times," Dan said along with the end of the song.

Phil dipped his head toward Dan's.

Dan's breathing quickened.

Their lips met in a soft, intoxicating kiss that left both their heads spinning when they finally parted.

"This impossible year," Phil finished softly, resting his forehead against Dan's.

Word count: 593
Aww cute Phan kiss. What a build up

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