Chapter 4

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"Dan Howell and Phil Lester," Mr. Davids called out, assigning Dan and Phil to each other as partners. The two grinned at each other.

"Okay, class," The professor continued. "You can do anything you wish for this multimedia presentation. Make sure it's school appropriate and you can find enough information about it. I trust you will all make wise decisions."

"So," Phil turned to Dan. "Do you have any ideas?"

"We could do something with LGBT+ rights." Dan tapped his pen and foot in sync anxiously, hoping he didn't make it too obvious he was gay.

Phil thought it over. "Yeah, I like that. I think we could also create a really good presentation on the benefits of more cancer research and why more money should go towards it. That's an important issue that would help tons of people."

Dan turned his head away from Phil to avoid him seeing him cry.

Pull it together, Dan. He can't know. Stop. It.

"Oh my gosh, Dan, I'm so sorry. That was so insensitive of me," Phil rubbed Dan's back consolingly. "I'm so sorry."

Dan shuddered. "It's fine, I'm fine."

Phil moved his hand off Dan's back, leaving Dan to shiver once more at the cold imprint where Phil's hand had been.

"Dan," Phil said cautiously. "Did you lose someone to cancer? You don't have to answer if you don't want to or you're uncomfortable with it or-"

"Phil, Phil," Dan placed his hand on Phil's. "It's okay. And yeah, I lost someone to cancer. I don't really want to talk about it."

It was easier than the truth.

"That's perfectly fine. You don't have to tell me."

Realizing his hand was still on top of Phil's, Dan yanked his arm away and blushed deeply. Phil only smiled.

Through the rest of the class period, Dan kept his head down as he worked with Phil to keep people from seeing him cry. Though, he figured it wouldn't matter in a year.

"Here's my number," Phil said a he typed it into Dan's phone. "I'll text you with more details about the project and when we can get together to work on it."

"Okay," Dan said with a smile. "Will do."

The end of the day came around and Dan received a text from Phil. Dan smiled at the name Phil put himself in as in Dan's phone.

AmazingPhil: Hey Dan. If you want, you can come over to my house tonight so we can work on the project and you can have dinner with my family and me. They really want to meet my best friend ;)

Dan grinned and involuntarily squealed. He quickly checked that no one was around him then smiled even more. He would get to meet Phil's family and hang out with Phil outside of school, even if it was only for a project.

"Mum," Dan called into the house when he opened the door. "Can I go to Phil's tonight to work on a project and have dinner with his family?"

"Phil?" Dan's mum asked.

"Yeah, my friend Phil."

"You didn't tell me you have a new friend."

"Because it's not a big deal."

"Okay," she said. "You can go. I just need an address. I'm so happy you have a friend!"

Dan turned to leave. "This is why I didn't tell you." He shook his head and laughed.

"Hey, I'm just happy for you, Daniel," his mother pointed the spatula she was holding at him.


After receiving the address, Dan is driven to Phil's flat by his mother.

"Dan!" Phil opens the door and hugs Dan, then shakes Mrs. Howell's hand. "Hello, Mrs. Howell, I'm Phil."

"Hello, Phil. It's so nice to meet you," she replied.

"You too." Phil turned to Dan. "We should go work on the project."

Dan nodded.

They walked towards the kitchen where Phil's mother was cooking.

"You must be Dan," she pulled off an oven mitt and shook Dan's hand. "It's so nice to finally put a face to the name."

Dan smiled. "It's nice to meet you."

Phil grabbed Dan's hand. "Let's go." He dragged out the "o" and tugged Dan towards his room.

Dan and Phil worked on the project for about thirty minutes then sat down to play video games until dinner was ready.

"Boys, dinner!" Mrs. Lester called to them.

Dan stood up to leave but was brought back to a sitting position by Phil's hand wrapping around his wrist.

"Uh, Dan? Can I tell you something?"

"Of course," Dan said, knitting his brow in confusion, "anything at all."

"Before I overthink it, I'm just going to come out and say it." Phil twiddled his thumbs nervously in his lap.

"Okay..." Dan was concerned by that point. "Is everything alright, Phil?"

"Yes, everything is fine, it's just, ah, I-I'm bisexual."

Word count: 804
Dan is gay, Phil is bi, I wonder what could happen here

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