Part 6

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The next day of rehearsals
Leigh-Ann POV
Time for another dreadful day. Don't get me wrong o absolutely love to dance. The aftermath of it though. I woke up this morning and my body was so sore. I forgot how sore my body gets. I guess it's my fault because j spent most of my days on the couch and eating all types of junk food. I once again find parking. Today I was the first one there. It was a miracle how I got there first. I guess it was because there wasn't any traffic. That was another miracle. It's very rare not to have any traffic in London. I'm in the middle i stretching when I hear the door open. I don't care who it was so I just keep on stretching. That was until I  felt someone behind me. That's when I decided to turn around. It no other than Jade Thirwall. " hey Leigh-Ann" I don't say anything I just smile at her. She just smiles back at me. We both stretch in silence. Luckily for both of us it was comfortable silence. I hear the door open and I see it's Jess " Hey Jesminda." " hey Leigh owns stretching. " I just smile at her. About 10 minutes later I hear the door open once more. It was Pez I don't know what came over me but I ran and jumped on her. " hey Pez." " hey Buba. Why are you so happy today. " I just smile shrugging my shoulder saying that I don't know why. She laughs and she carries me back to my spot. I let myself untangle from her. Out of corner of my eyes I see A furious Jade. I turn to look at her but she moved away before I could say anything. I see that Perrie saw the same thing that I saw. I look at her and shrug my shoulders.

We were practicing the dance for Shout Out To My Ex. The one dance that I hated. I hated the dance not the song. In the song there was a part where me and Jade are very close to each other. That's not the only dance that we are very close together. Touch was one of the dances where my ass was basically in her croch. We were rehearsing the Touch choreography. There was one pony in that song where she hits the side of my ass. The other girls had to do it too. She hit my ass pretty hard. I would even say she was spanking me. Don't judge me it's just I saw the way Perrie did it Jesy it was completely different from the way Jade it to me. God damn my emotions. Why do I feel like she's just playing with me. One moment she's all flirt with me and the next she's so cold. I don't know what going on. I'm supposed to be getting over here. She's not helping one bit. She's actually making this situation much more difficult than it need to be. We were in the middle of practicing Wings when it started to get harder to breath. I don't know what was happening but I felt like I had no oxygen in me. I hear Perrie yelling  "  OMG LEIGH-ANN SOMEONE CAL 911" every minute it got harder and harder to breath. That was until I couldn't anymore. I blacked out and I don't know what happened after that

I open my eyes. What the hell, what happened. " hello Leigh-Ann can you hear me. Hello " " hi umm what happened.?" " well you and your friends are in the middle of dance practice when you stated having trouble breathing. They called 911 and they brought you to the Arcadia hospital (i just made up a fake hospital name) " oh I have a question why did a black out?" " you had an allergic reaction." " allergic reaction but I'm not allergic to anything. " a nurse comes in holding a piece of paper. " while you were asleep we came you some medicine. We also wanted to know what you were allergic too so we did some tests. It appears that you are allergic to raisins. Did you have and raisins at all today?" I thought for a second " I did I had a raisin cookie beige going to dance rehearsals. So I guess that means no more raisins." He nods then another nurse come in. She was holding one of those epi pen. I'm guessing it was for me. " here is an epi pen. If you accidentally eat a raisin. Shoot this in your arm or any where else in your body. It should stop the allergic reaction in an instant." " thank you very much. I didn't even know I had an allergic reaction. " he smiles and nods. He leaves the room and Pez, Jess and Jade come into the room. " hey Buba you feeling ok. You got me so worried. You don't know how scared you we all got when they rushed you in." " how long have you guys been waiting?" " we have been waiting for about and hour or two." About a minute of silence Jess speaks up. " the doctor said that you could be released now. So you can get dressed and we can drive you back to you place." " ok" I grab the clothes they got me and went into the bathroom. They game me a maxi dress. I walk out and all eyes are on me. They look at me for a second and go back to what ever they were doing. Except one person though. Jade. She was gawking at me. She staring at me. I felt like she was undressing me with her eyes. I cough and she looks back up. She blushes and she looks away. I see that Perrie saw everything that happened. I shrug my shoulders. I don't know how she does it but she sees every interaction me and Jade. I don't know what's happening with me and Jade. Im pretty sure that she's just playing with me. She's just going to drop me one day. I mean that's what she's good at. Getting my hopes up and then dropping them down the drain.

Heyyyyy thanks for reading.

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