chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I parked the bike where I usually park my car and started walking towards the cafeteria, I looked down at my watch and saw that it was just nine and the classes started only at nine thirty and most of my friends only came in at nine twenty, so I went to the counter and ordered an espresso for me and sat down at a table facing the parking lot so that I can see my friends when they came in, I slowly sipped on the coffee as I waited for them.

Ten minutes passed by and I saw a yellow Camaro and a jeep coming in and they parked on either side of my bike. Jake and Liza stepped out of the Camaro while Dan and Angie got off from the jeep. They were staring at my bike; the boys were practically drooling over it.

I got up from the table and started making my way towards them

“Wow, cool ride man, but I feel bad for the guy who owns it, ben is going to flip when he sees his spot takes”, Dan said to them admiring the bike

“Where is he anyway, isn’t he supposed to be already here”, Jake said to them without knowing I was standing behind him.

“I am already here”, I said from behind them and they all jumped out of their shoes, “hay guys, miss me”.

“Ben, if you ever do that, I will skin you alive “; Liza said trying to catch her breath.

“Wait, if you are here, then where did you park”, Jake asked while eying my bike.

“Where I usually park, right there “, I said pointing to my bike

“What! That’s your bike, that is so sweet man, when did you buy that”

“That’s awesome man; you have to let me have a go at her, ouch!” Jake and Dan stared yelling as Liza and Angie hit the back of their heads.

“Cool it guys, it was a birthday gift from my brother and sister and yes you can have a go after class, at the diner. Ok now we need to go or we’ll miss class”.

                                   I don’t know what I was thinking when I took up this course, I have no idea what the lectures were about and half the time I was sleeping in class. I was drooling in the last bench while our head of the department was taking class. I looked at the two couples in front of me; Liza had her head resting on jakes shoulder while Dan and Angie were just talking. I felt sad and lonely when I watched them.

                                      I haven’t dated for the past two years; I haven’t dated or spent any romantic time with any girl since she died in my hands on my birthday


                                 “Happy birthday, ben, Kayla came in and kissed me and sat down beside me, I wrapped my arms around her affectionately.

                                    “So, do I get a present from you”, I asked her sending a wink at her. She rolled her eyes at me.

                                    “You might get one later if you behave”, she said and winked back at me.

                                    “Let’s skip classes today. We’ll go for an ice-cream at the diner”, I asked using my puppy dog eyes.

                                     “I don’t know ben …………what about the classes”, she asked me concerned.

                                       “I will have Jake swipe our cards for us, please”.

                                       “Alright, just this once, god I’m really spoiling you”

                                       “Yeah, yeah, let’s go”, I grabbed her hand and ran out of the buildings fast as I could; I opened the door of my car for her.

                                  “You are such gentle man”, she told me with a smile

                                “I drove out of the parking lot and speeded towards the diner”, I parked on the opposite side of the road and the diner was across the road. I got a call from home and picked up my phone.

                               “Kay, can you go wait inside there, I need to attend this call. “she nodded and as I was talking to my mom she was crossing the road, we heard  a screeching sound of tires and a look of horror spread across my face as I saw the out of control van heading to where Kay was standing. Before my brain could register what was happening, she was hit hard and thrown to the side of the road like a rag doll.

I ran towards her, she was bleeding all over as I gently picked her up and placed her on my lap. I felt tears flowing down my cheeks and I closed my eyes.

I felt a hand gently wiping away my tears, I opened my eyes and saw Kayla smiling at me and then her hands fell down and her eyes went blank.

****************************end of flashback*******************************************

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