chapter 5

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“Listen carefully ben, this was our past and this is what will lead you to your future.” Zeus started speaking.

“We used to rule all realms including the earth since the beginning of time, we have kept peace and harmony between all living creatures, but that peace did not last long. Four millennia ago a few demigods who were not satisfied with our rule revolted against us. They gathered an army of demons and vampires and marched against us. But we never imagined that they would use that power.”

“What power.” I asked out of curiosity.

“They created a titan by sacrificing humans, animals and a demigod. The titan was the only thing that could match to the powers of the gods, they kept him as a last resort, they controlled him but when we killed them all the titan got freed and with no one to control him he created havoc on earth killing everything in his path, we sent our army of gods to finish him but it was futile, the were no match for a titan.”

“All the gods were killed?” I asked surprised that there is a power stranger than a gods.

“Yes ben everyone except the three of us was killed, we knew that we could never defeat him single handedly, so we united our powers and weapon to create a power equal to his. That day a new weapon was created when we unified our weapons, the lightning, the trident and the sword of hell combined together for the first time and the last time to form the spear of fate. We used it to destroy the titan. But in turn we destroyed our bodies too. The spear was broken down into the original three weapons and was scattered to different parts of the world. Only a true immortal can wield those weapons and use them or join them again, and that true immortal is you Ben.”

“How in the hell is that possible, how can I be an immortal, I am just a twenty year old guy”, I said starting to freak out a bit.

“It’s all in your gene ben, you were born into immortality. Your ancestors on both your parents’ ends are demigods. If you look at your fathers lineage it will end in Zeus, and your mother comes from Poseidon’s family. Both your parents are half gods and you are the first full immortal after us. “Zeus said and I am sure my expression resembled something like……. I have no idea what my expression is.

“You could have mistaken me for someone else. “I told them trying to be hopeful.

“The ring that you wear on your finger is the proof that you are a god. It is an armor that I gave to one of my son and I asked him to pass it to his child, and so that ring has been passed down to child from father till now. The only person who can wear that ring is someone who has the gene of Zeus. When you need it, it will cover your body in armor and protect you. “He said and I looked down at the ring dis believingly.

“Ok maybe you are right, and I am a god, but I have no extra ordinary powers or anything, I am just an ordinary human.”

“That’s what we are here for ben; we are here to teach you how to tap into your powers.” Poseidon spoke; I was starting to think Zeus was the only guy who had the ability to speak, since the other two remained quite all this time.

“Now you are going to black out and will wake up once your body heals completely. During that time your basic powers will also develop, now sleep.” Zeus said and all three of them touched my forehead and blackness took over.

************************* Blacks out*************************

I slowly opened my eyes and the blackness was replaces with blinding light. I could not see anything clearly, everything was in a haze. I could hear machines beeping and my hands and legs were restrained. I had no idea what was going on, but I wasn’t happy with the fact that my arms and legs were tied up. I started remembering the dream I had and was glad that it was just a dream.

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