chapter 7

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***************bens p.o.v**********************

Just before I met with the guy’s I heard a gasp coming from Anna’s direction, I guess she has heard of me. Jake, Dan, Liza and Angie were waiting by my car.

“Hai guys, wha………………….” Before I could finish my sentence Liza and Angie launched themselves into me for a hug, when they pulled back I could see tears forming in their eyes

“You ass! If you ever do such reckless things again I will skin you alive!” Angie screamed at me with tear streaked eyes.

“Hai! Keep the crazy lady away from me”, I said pushing Angie away from me. “Besides, that girl would have died if it wasn’t for me”.

Liza pushed me back, “that does not mean that you should risk your life”, she said fuming at me, I could almost see smoke coming from her ears and her face was as red as it comes.

“but nothing happened”, apparently what I just said was not right, because both girls stepped near to me and gave me the glare that would send even the toughest of guys running home crying.

“Nothing happened! Nothing happened! You were in a freaking coma for the freaking last five months you dung head! You have no idea how worried we were!”

“Err…… guys, little help, please.” I looked towards the boys and the back stabbers just took a step back, I mean come on they are my friends, I guess they knew better about getting on their girlfriends bad side

“Sorry bro, we aren’t that stupid”, Jake said with his hands in the air.

“Ok! Alright! I am sorry for making you guys go through that, I am really sorry guys can you find it in you to forgive me.”

“We need to think about it.” Angie said and looked at Liza and I just knew that I am not going to like what was coming next.

“Alright, we will let you off the hook if you agree to our conditions.” Angie said with a smirk on her face

“Ok, let’s hear it.”  Said hoping to god that this does not kill me and then I remembered that it’s my job, I chuckled at the irony of that situation.

“You three will take us on a shopping trip” Liza started on their conditions “and you will have to sleepover at our house, we haven’t had a sleepover since……..” she trailed off remembering that the last time we did this was a week before Kayla died.

“Ok, let’s get to class.” I quickly said wanting to get away from there as soon as possible. As I walked away I felt eyes on my back and looked around to see Anna looking at me with concern in her eyes. I gave her a smile and went on to my first class.

As usual the classes were all boring and I felt lonely on most classes, but in a few ones  had Anna in the same classes and she came over and sat with me and from the way Jake and Anna were glaring at each other I knew that they were not going to make it any easier for me.

I asked Jake to quit the staring match when it all became a bit too much for me but I couldn’t ask her to move because when she was with me I felt content at heart and when she was not there it was like there was a void inside me.

The day went on like that and in the end both the girls bullied Jake, Dan and me into taking them shopping and after what felt like hours and hours later we went to the girls place and as soon as  I fell on the couch I fell  on it and welcomed the sleep that was coming.

**************Anna’s p.o.v ***********

“Dad, I need your help.” I mind linked my father and he replied immediately.

“What is it baby girl, is something wrong, do I have to send over the guards.” He started to ramble and I hated when he did that.

“Dad, stop rambling, it’s nothing like that and you know full well that I hate it when you do that.” I said exasperated. “And please don’t send the guards.”

“Well, something must have happened, if it was not something important you wouldn’t have called me.”

“Imetmymatetodayandheisahuman.” I replied so fast even I didn’t get what I said, all I heard was just a blur.

“Honey, would you mind repeating that, may be a bit slower this time, all I got from that was human part.” He told me chuckling. I pouted even though he was not here to see me.

“Do you remember me being angry at a group of humans who thought that they were high and mighty and some of the pack members and me playing some pranks on them?”

“Yeah, I do, what about them”

“Well they have this friend that came back to school after about five months, well he is more like their leader and apparently he also happens to be my mate.” I told him and my voice was just a whisper when I said mate, but he still managed to hear that.

“WHAT! YOU FOUND YOUR MATE! WHY ARE YOU NOT WITH HIM THEN, DID HE REJECT YOU, I WILL KILL HIM IF HE DID THAT!” he started screaming through the link jumping to the worst conclusions.

“DAD!” I screamed at him to stop”

“WHAT!” he snapped back at me.

“He didn’t reject me, I told you he is a human, and he has no idea that we are soul mates, but I know that he felt it, although that’s not all, he is not a normal human.” I told him remembering the power I felt.

“What do you mean he is not a normal human.” he asked me

“I meant he smelt almost like a normal human but there was something else to it to him, and dad his voice held power and it and it was stronger that your alpha voice dad, I almost kneeled in front of him and he wasn’t even using it at full force, I don’t even know whether he was aware of it. I was only able to resist because I am his mate.” I finished and he didn’t say anything, it was never heard of any supernatural having more spirit power than the royal alphas of the werewolf’s. But now the eldest daughter of the king himself was overpowered by a human, no wonder he is my mate.

“Are you sure about that”, he asked me uncertainly.

“Dad, I would know, he is my mate”

“Ok, don’t lose sight of him at school, I am sure that you wouldn’t mind sticking by his side”, I blushed a bit at that knowing that he was right.

“I will put someone to tail him outside the school.” He told me and I had a bad feeling about this, I didn’t mind staying with him but someone else following him made my wolf a bit angry. She was already very protective of her mate.

“Dad, there is one more thing.”

“What else could there be”

“I think he was also the one who jumped in front of the truck to save Christy.” we were all thankful to the guy who saved my little sister from being run over by a truck driven by a rouge, but we couldn’t go see him at the hospital because the rouges kept attacking us at massive numbers.

“He did, well I guess whoever he is he has a big heart and if he is willing to throw away his life for someone he doesn’t even know, he is good in my books and will make a fine king.” He said king, I forgot that, my mate is supposed to be the king, but if he is a human how could it work out, but then again he had power to overpower my father, oh this is just messed up. I cut off my mind link with my father.

As I pondered over these facts an overwhelming sadness gripped my heart that almost wanted to kill myself, I knew that the feeling came from ben and was amazed that the bond was so strong already.

I looked towards bens retreating figure as he and his friend made their way toward the building, I kept close to them the whole day, I occupied the seat next to bens on all the classes I had with him, and after the classes I shifted and followed them not waiting for the trackers that dad send to trail him, they went to the mall and then to the girls house.

I could feel someone trying to break through the mental barrier but I kept blocking them. Everyone slept early because of exhaustion and I still stayed there for some more time. It was almost twelve when I started making my way back home, but I was too immersed in my thoughts to sense that danger has already surrounded me until howls disturbed the peace of night all around me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2014 ⏰

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