chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to sneha,sharon

The end and the beginning

Four thousand years ago:

"Hades it is now up to us three now brother, everybody else has fallen ", Hades could see a drop of tear running down his brothers cheek, Zeus the god of gods weeping at the sight of all the fallen gods.

"Will you fight along with me my brothers?" Zeus asked turning towards Poseidon and Hades

"Zeus, we might have our differences but I won't let you go alone into battle this time"

"And what about you Poseidon, will you also fight"

"Why do you ask when you already know the answer to that question?" Poseidon said with a smile playing on his lips. "But Zeus u does understand that this is a suicide mission, right, we will have to combine all our powers to destroy him and that will drain our life force too."

"And what of your precious humans Zeus, who will protect them from the dark creatures of our realm, once we are gone they will pass through the barrier and cause havoc on earth."

"Hades, I already is aware of this and has taken measures against it. I have strengthened the barrier and the witches cast a spell on it so that only people with a good intend can pass through it."

"I suppose today is the end of the ERA OF GODS."

"No Poseidon it is the beginning of a new era, our blood still runs in our children, the demigods, in time a new god will rise from among them, he will be the only person who will be able to wield our weapons in the combined or otherwise state " Zeus looked at his brothers for one last time.

"Tis time brothers, time for us to join and make the spear of fate"

**************flashes of light*****************

**************about four millennium later in 2013***************

"ben, ben, ben "I groaned as my pesky sister started to rattle my bed and screaming my name to wake me from the very nice sleep, which in turn cut short a nice dream that I was having .

"Give me five more minutes Sarah", I told her in an annoyed tone, she knows I'm not a morning person and she still tried to wake me, kid's got guts for sure.

"No! Get your lazy ass up and bring it downstairs, everyone's waiting for you", she said that and threw my blankets away, OK! She just declared war on me with that action of hers

I stood up and glared at, her sending daggers at her, she looked at me innocently, like she had no idea what she did and slowly started to back away towards the door

"OH NO.YOU ARE NOT GOING TO GET AWAY THAT EASILY SARAH", just as I finished she turned around and bolted out of the room .i got up quickly and sprinted after her, I ran after her down the stairs and into the dining room.

Just as I entered the room I saw her hiding behind our father, my mother had an amused look, maybe because she had not seen me like this in about two years. Before I could register what was going on they all yelled "HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEN"at me.

It took me some time to register what just happened and it slowly started to seep into my mind that today was my birthday, but hey it's not like it's my fault ,she woke me up in the middle of my sleep, I didn't even get time to check out what the time was.

"Right, today is February 19, and I'm twenty years old now yeay, can I go back to sleep now "at that my mother gave me a glare "or I could stay here which is much better" I said and my father chuckled. I always wonder how he puts up with her, don't get me wrong now she's my mother and I love her but she can be very intimidating at times and be very demanding.

"Ok then where are my presents", I asked the group and saw my mom shaking her head like she knew I was going to ask that question.

"You don't get any", Sam said smirking at me.

"Why is that bro", I asked him.

"He's just fooling around ben, happy birthday sweaty", my mom said kissing my cheek.

"Mom you know that I love you right, but please never ever do that again"

"Do what "mom asked innocently and i guess we now know where Sarah got her character from

"Don't ever call me names like that again, Pease mom", I told her in a begging manner.

"Ben when you are finished with breakfast I want you to come see me in my office "dad left for his office and I made myself comfortable at the counter top.

"Mom what's for breakfast", I asked her as she was filling a plate with food, and she had her back turned to me so I didn't know what she was putting on my plate.

"It's your favorite, pancakes with chocolate syrup", she told me I felt a grin forming on my face.

She placed the plate in front of me and turned back and I started to dig in

Just as I was half way through the food I remembered something, that I haven't brushed my teeth this morning, I shrugged I off and continued eating

I finished my food, took the plate to the sink, gave my mom a kiss and went to my father's office.

He was doing something on his computer when in walked in, when he saw me he stood up and walked towards me, he walked past me and closed the doors, I turned toward him. He had his hand held towards me and saw that there was something shining in his hands.

"This ring has been in our family for centuries ben, it had been handed from father to eldest child, it is now your turn to wear it", he placed the ring in my hand.

I looked at the ring closely and found that it was not made of any metal I know to be used in jewelry, it had a light glow to it, there were intricate carvings on the band and I had no Idea what it meant.

I put it on and suddenly my body felt warm and cozy.

"My father told me once that it was a lucky ring and that it would protect me from harm if the need arises "my dad told me looking into my eyes.

"Ok dad, thanks for the ring, I'm gonna to need to go now or else I will be late for classes"

I turned back and left the room while he went back to his work. I went back to my room took a quick shower, changed, picked up my laptop and bag and ran out of the house towards the garage to my car.

Sam and Sarah were standing in front of the garage with huge grins plastered on their faces. I stopped and looked around carefully to see if they have set any traps for me

"What's going on", I asked them raising my brows.

"Nothing, just happy birthday, and we expect bigger presents from you on our birthday", Sam told me and threw me a key before jogging into the house, and Sarah gave me a hug and told me to have a nice day before following him into the house.

I looked down at the key and slowly walked into the garage, and there it was, standing next to my mustang, in all its glory stood a Harley Davidson street was a beautiful machine and I fell in love with it at first glance, it was love at first sight.

I hopped on to the bike and kicked it into life ,I liked starting the engine this way rather than using the self-ignition system, the engine roared I I liked the sound of that , I put it into gear and rode out of the garage and onto the open road


i know it was nat that good but the story starts after about 5 chapters and this is my first real attempt, so bear with me and healthy criticism is always appreciated

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