The Wedding

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Joan Miller fussed around with her daughter's hair, completely ignoring her daughter's cries of protest. "I know you hate people doing your hair but it has to look special for your big day," she said for what seemed like the 100th time. She tried to tie it up and straighten it but neither worked so she just clipped back and brushed it over Alice's shoulder. Agnes's hair was a lot less effort than her sister's for her hair was actully straight not curly. Finnally when the whole family was ready the carriage turned up and everyone bundled in at set off being drawn by pearl white horses.

People stared when they saw the young queen to be and her father in their carriage (the rest of her family followed in another carriage. Alice was wearing a beautiful white dress covered in lace, buttons were sewn on down to the bottom of the bodice. Her hair cascaded down her shoulders in long, dark brown curls. She could make the pickiest man fall head over heals in love with her.

Henry was waiting at the top of the aisle in a white suit. Alice and the bridesmaids (Elizabeth and Mary) and John Miller paraded down the aisle in tune to "her comes the bride" when they got there, a delicate golden crown was placed upon Alice's curls. Then she picked up the orb and scepter and turned to face the pews of people who began cheering. After the ceramony Henry and Alice lead the congregation off to the feast.

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