Chapter 6

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Liam's POV

Shuffling my feet anxiously, I heard the key sliding into the keyhole and turning clockwise. I bit my lip causing it to to turn a light shade of blue and forced myself to look up as the door swung open. There he was, standing right in front of me. l thought that seeing him in a black suit was enough to make me fall headfirst but it turned out I was very wrong. I soon learned that Zayn wearing some hype joggers and a batman tee was far more attractive.

His raven hair was free of any products and naturally flopping over one eye. His eyes tired and fighting against the will to shut. His nose stuffy and sniffing after every few seconds. His lips parted slightly and letting out short breaths in an irregular pattern.

I held the bouquet tightly in my sweaty palms. I opened my mouth to speak but closed it again like a goldfish.

"hello?" He mumbled quietly while rubbing his right eye with the back of his hand and his free hand fiddling with the strings on his sweatpants.

"Hi...I hope I didn't come at a bad time..I..I went to the restaurant to see you but you weren't there and then your friend...err..Perrie.. Yeah Perrie...she told me you were sick and staying the day off of work... I paid her to tell me your address which, now that I think about it was creepy of me and you probably think I'm some freaky stalker person..but I'm not y'know...anyway then I went and bought you flowers....I didn't know what you liked so I bought roses because....well...who hates roses?... I'm here and...I guess...the things you do for love eh?" I blurt out a long paragraph which probably didn't even make sense but I was too out of breath to care.

"you paid her?" He mutters and shakes his head in disbelief "people are dying in Africa and would do anything for a fraction of that money yet you spent it on finding my address?! Not to mention I don't even know you! You rich people make me sick!" He says dramatically but then looks at me with a small tint of apology "...this. was. a. bad. time."

I swallow thickly, I don't even know what to say. He was so shy and innocent when I met him at the restaurant but he seems to be completely different right now.

I nod slowly "you're right, this was a bad time...I'm sorry" I quickly hand him the flowers before rushing down the flights of steep stairs. My vision goes blurry as tears subconsciously stream down my face. I'm not one to be that hurt by words but this time it was different, as if Zayn's opinion was the most important thing to me.

I wasn't done fighting though, not yet at least. I just needed some time.

I pushed the apartment's exit door open and ran out, not caring if people saw me cry. The rain was pouring down which only made me feel more sorry for myself. I blinked several times while staring at my mercedes in despair.

The front two windows were smashed completely by big rocks, I rushed towards it and gasped as I saw the insides of my car. Every belonging I had in that car, gone. I looked around but there was nobody in sight. I knew it was a mistake to bring a car like this to the neighborhood! There was no way I could drive this piece of wreck! I huffed, fuming with anger and took out my phone. I wiped the condensed screen against my jumper and scrolled through my contacts, I stopped on Paul as I know he would always come to help me no matter the time or place.

"You look like a wet dog" I heard a small voice say from behind me. I jumped from shock and turned around, it was Zayn. He was wearing a jacket that was ten times too big and looked so goddamn adorable. Smiling weakly, I put the towel he handed me around my neck. My teeth chattered loudly as I thanked him several times. "Come with me...come.." He said raspily, the sickness clear in his throat.

He lead me back up to his apartment and sat me down on the small, navy sofa opposite the tv. His home was very tiny but cozy, there were pictures of what appeared to be his sisters hung up all over the walls. Covering the coffee table was paint brushes and pencil shavings, there were a few sketches of natural landscapes which were so good. It made me question why he was a waiter and not an artist, with this much talent he could be selling art for thousands. Along the shelf above the telly were alphabetically ordered DVDS. I could learn a lot about him just by sitting in his living room.

Zayn seemed to be a very creative person who enjoyed drawing the physical aspects of life. He was someone who valued his family a lot and clearly was one to spend his late nights watching movies. The little perks only made me fall for the boy harder.

He came back a while later with two mugs of hot tea. After placing them on the coffee table, Zayn took a seat next to me "I'm sorry for what happened to your car...and snapping at you like that" He said sympathetically.

"No problem! The car wasn't a big deal anyway," I say before showing him a big, dorky smile. "Now...Can I ask you something?" I hum, crossing my fingers in my brain.

"I'm all ears.." he replied while taking a sip of his tea.

I take a deep breath "Would you like to go on a date with me?" I said while tapping my finger on the mug anxiously.


Did my ears hear right? I thought we were having a moment then, I frown and my throat goes dry.

"C-can I ask why?" I said quietly while shuffling my feet.

"FYI you have a girlfriend" He said like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

I groan in annoyance, he must be talking about beard.

" don't understand I'm not actually dating her, it's just so the media thinks I am-" He cuts me short and says something causally.

"Break up with her"

"Huh?" I raise a brow.

"Break up with her and then...I will go on a date with you," He stands up and rubs his hands together "Now, you may leave"

"But what about my car?" I say hopefully, maybe I will be able to stay longer.

"Don't you have a manager or something? Get him to help you." He says carelessly and shoves an umbrella in my hands "I want this back when you break up with Sophia...on our date"

I nod and hold it tightly "okay- yeah. Okay"

"Now goodbye," He said and pushed me out of the door. I smiled goofily and skipped down the stairs - I don't know what happened to the stuttering mess I thought I loved, but sassy Zayn is kind of attracting me.

I call Paul and ask him to pick me up after explaining the whole situation.

I have a slim chance of going on a date with him, now the hard part...shaving my beard. (Did you get that reference? 😄)

(A/N: Hi Guys! There's Chapter 6, I hope you're all liking it (: I'm kinda experimenting with Zayn right now, do you guys prefer quiet Zayn or sassy Zayn? <3 I don't exactly know where this story is going atm but hey ho 😅)

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