Chapter 8

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Liam paced back and forth in his garden, everything was set up and perfect yet he still felt so nervous. The fairy lights were placed neatly around the pool, the picnic blanket was laid out on the grass, the food was cooked and waiting warm in the stove, the flowers were sat for him by the door. He knew he had to leave to Zayn's house or he would be late but he just felt too overwhelmed. It had been so long since Liam had freedom over who he wanted to take on a date and what he wanted to do with that special someone, that he wasn't used to the abnormal feeling. Before this date with Zayn, it was always 'take this girl to this cafe and do this with her,'

Liam took one last lingering look in the mirror and fixed his gelled hair before grabbing the fresh flowers (monthly gardeners pick by the way) and keys, he skipped down to his range rover and drove to Zayn's neighborhood. Liam hated coming back here, someone as beautiful as Zayn didn't deserve to live in a shit-hole like this. It was unfair that the good were treated badly, then again.. Liam never really thought about that problem until Zayn came into his life. After taking several deep breaths, he walked up the flights of stairs to his door and knocked three times.

Zayn opened the door straight away "hey" He said and flashed him a shy smile while playing with the bracelets on his wrist.

"W-wow, you look stunning...honestly" Liam mumbled. He was wearing black skinny jeans that were so tight just like Harry would wear, except it actually looked good on Zayn. He was wearing a green checked shirt with the sleeves rolled up, showing off his tanned skin and beautiful tattoos. And for a short moment, he was convinced Zayn was full on glowing.

"Oh these are for you" Liam smiled and pushed the bouquet towards him. "Thanks" Zayn cooed and took them before rushing inside and placing them in the vase along with the roses Liam had brought last time. "Let's go" The smaller boy said softly once he got back and they went down to Liam's car.

Liam jogged ahead of Zayn to the car door so he could hold it open for him "such a gentleman" Zayn chuckled before getting in the car and buckling his seatbelt. The singer got into the driver's seat and drove to his house "I didn't want the paparazzi to see us so I set up a garden date...if that's okay?" Liam asked anxiously while biting his lip, he knew taking someone to his house on the first date was a risk but he had no other choice. Besides, Zayn wasn't just someone - it felt different this time.

"No, that's fine" Zayn sighed in relief "I thought you were going to take me to a fancy restaurant where one bowl of kale leaves would cost 50 quid" He said and scrunched up his face in disgust as if it reinforce his point.

Liam laughed at the boy "no, course not - I'm more of a McDonalds kind of guy anyway" He revealed and Zayn's eyes widened, maybe they were more alike than he thought.


"I can't believe you did all of this for me" Zayn mumbled in awe and cupped his mouth "this is incredible" When Liam had said a garden date, Zayn was expecting a cute simple picnic. Not a bloody live band, fairy lights, candles lighting up the area and a a flowing chocolate waterfall with strawberries and raspberries.

Liam chuckled "It's nothing, really." He lead him over to the blanket and Zayn took a seat on a cushion "Hungry? I made some pesto pasta" Liam hummed with a wink which earned a snort from Zayn. He jogged inside to get the meals from the oven.

He came back to the garden with two plates and a expensive wine bottle, "dinner is served!" Liam said poshly and Zayn rolled his eyes at the singer's perkiness.  He took a small bite and his eyes grew wide "Holy cow, this stuff is better than what we serve" Zayn said honestly.

"Mum's recipe" Liam said proudly with a twinkle in his eye.

The rest of the day rolled swiftly, not an awkward moment went by. They ate, laughed and had a dance in the end, though neither of them were very good at that part ; it was as perfect as a first date could get.

"I'll see you soon" Liam said softly once they reached the apartment door. Zayn got up on his tip toes and pecked Liam's pink lips sweetly, leaving both of them a blushing mess. "Bye douche" Zayn giggled cutely before unlocking his front door and stepping inside.

Zayn slid down his door and sat there, smiling like a dork to himself. Things were really turning his way, Liam would be the light at the end of his dark tunnel.

Liam's POV

I am certain that Zayn is bipolar.

(A/N: Heya guys! Here's chapter 8 (: I would just like to give a shoutout to a special someone. Go check her out because she is awesome and comments a bajillion times on my chapters which I appreciate very very very much - HazzaRocks)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2017 ⏰

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