Chapter 7

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"You want to do what?" Simon shouted at Liam's face with his eyebrows knotted tightly together and hands in fists, his nails digging into his palm.

Liam took a step back feeling overwhelmed by Simon's reaction, he opened his mouth and repeated himself "I want to break up with Sophia" This time his voice was much more hesitant and shaky.

"What makes you think you have the right to do that Payne?" He bellows out to Liam with his hands on his desk and eyes locked with Liam's - not in a loving way but in a 'I'm gonna murder you' kind of way.

"W..well I-" Liam tried to defend himself but was cut off by Simon's aggressive words.

"You signed my contract back in 2010. Am I right?" He said smugly. Liam could do nothing but nod ; he was right after all.

"Exactly. And on that contract it said you do whatever I say in the name of fame. And that means dating women I pick - whether you like them or not!"

"B-but...but..this isn't right!" Liam shouted back, in the same level of anger.

"Of course it is, welcome to the cruel world of fame Liam. You think all of those movie stars are happy? Wake up!" He replies and sits back down as in Simon's eyes, the conversation is over. "You may go now" He shoos Liam and continues reading the paperwork.

"I- I'll tell everyone! I'll tell everyone that you are making us date people we don't love! I'm sure the Larries would freak." Liam tried to say confidently but he sounded like a young frail boy.

Simon stood up "you wouldn't do that." Simon smiled smugly, though he did feel slightly intimidated. "Would you?"

"I-...I will!"

"Fine." He said through gritted teeth of annoyance as he had lost the argument. "I'll arrange an interview for you in which you will tell everyone about your 'breakup'" Simon muttered before sitting back down.

"O-okay...thankyou! Thankyou!" Liam said happily before skipping out and down the flights of stairs. He jumped into his car and hurried home. Things were finally looking his way, he could finally be truly, madly, deeply in love.

Liam rushed into his house and threw the keys to one side before flopping onto a couch. He took his phone out from his pocket and messaged his good friend Josh (Devine) "Pizza and game of thrones? My place at 6" He typed and instantly got a reply stating that he was down. After ordering some pizza and getting out two beers, he set up the show and waited for Josh's arrival.

Josh turned up at the door on time as per usual and the day went by like any other lads night. Food, drinks, movies, burping competitions and some other things too disturbing or complicated to explain to a female.


Liam's POV

I walked into the studio and smiled at a few screaming fans, I waved at one of them and I'm certain someone in the back passed out. It was time for my interview in which I would reveal the sad story of my break up and I could not be feeling any better.

I sat down after shaking hands with the interviewer and giving each other a short greeting. We started off with some quick fire questions, nothing new. They asked stuff like the dirtiest member and the best tour moments - all being things I've heard way too many times.

We eventually reached the question concerning Sophia and I began to sulk. I wasn't a very good actor but people believe anything these days. He asked me about why we were never see together anymore and I answered using the script Simon had given me before.

"Sophia and I still love one another very much but it just wasn't fair for her. She was busy with university and I was rarely in London, we got to see each other once a month and when we did meet up it wasn't enjoyable. We argued quite a bit and it was all too stressful, she deserves someone who can be there for her and - I'm not that someone." I say and earn a few awwes from the audience which makes me mentally grin as it is working. "It wasn't a who dumped who situation but more of a mutual agreement, I hope all the best for Sophie as she is an incredible girl, just not the one for me."

The interviewer replied sympathetically and I thanked her though I couldn't care less. The interview ended shortly after that and I was escorted through the back and walked to my car along with my security guard as there was a bundle of fans outside.

He drove me home and I thanked him sincerely before going inside. After plopping on my sofa, I unlocked my phone and sent a text to Zayn:

"I'll pick you up at 5 tomorrow (:"

"Don't forget my umbrella!!"

"Let's say I do 'forget' it...I'll just give it back to you on our second date"


"Only the biggest xo"

I shut my phone grinning widely to myself, it was finally happening and I've never felt so happy. Now I just need to think of what to do for the date - it just has to be special, that's for sure.

(A/N: BAM! Guess who's back? Next chapter Ziam are going on a date and it's going to be super cute so stay tuned kids! Byee)

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