November; - The month I was classed as "Normal"

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Let me introduce myself.

My name is Deanna Jade Carter. I am 15 years old. I have light brown hair with helights of blonde running through and blue/green eyes with a tadge of orange that shines in the summer. I love my life, it's not the perfect glamorous life its just average. I have a gorgeous mother named Tracey and an intelligent hard working dad (who I hardly see because he is far too busy working). I have 3 beautiful sisters named Stephanie, Abigail and Melissa who recently gave birth to a gorgeous little girl named Evie-Mae. I have two very annoying brothers one working constantly and the other blessed with unknown diagnosed anger problems named Brendon and Callum. But thankfully due to them, this diary exists. This diary was bought as an early birthday present from Callum. I will try and write in it as much as possible, but this girl has a life to live and hardly anytime to sit down.  Let's begin with today shall I?

16th of November 2012 

Tonight. Tonight. Tonight. I guess you are wondering what's happening tonight, am I right? or am I right? well.. the answer to your question is my 16th birthday party of course! I can't believe I am turning the big 16 in four days. Hard to believe due to my childish behaviour, I will never grow up. I'm so excited and I just can't hide it(8) sorry total random music break out there. Don't worry I do that on a regular basis in real life. Don't pretend you don't know the song, I have got you singing it haven't i? whoops I apologize, jokes I don't really. Gross, I just split tomato sauce on to the page. My own fault really I am currently writing this whilst scramming on a Big Mac from Mcd's. Tasty, like heaven on a plate. (Well a plastic brown bag). I don't think I have been this excited for anything in ages! I am literally jumping off walls. Winding everyone up of course, but they need to realize it's my birthday party tonight with lots of friends, people, food and drink so I am going to be very, very, very excited. Here you go have an extra very to show you just how excited I am. Life can be very exciting if you make it and trust me I make it as exciting as ever. Well I must pop I am off to buy party food and alcohol, uh I mean cherryade and appleade it's not like a cocktail onesie party or anything. Yes you heard me right! Don't forget to bring your onesie! I am in major need of my favourite chocolate bar also known as Wispa. That chocolate literally melts onto my tongue like a soft flowing fountain.

20th of November 2012

Can you hear that? 


Okay so today has been AMAZING. Emphasize on amazing seriously. I have been given amazing gifts such as money, clothes, makeup, brick and brac etc.. the usual young adult needs. The only downside was I had school. Or should I say prison?. Yes and it's Monday. Clearly not the best day to spend my birthday on but hey, things like these have to happen. Guess what my friends did to me at lunch? go on guess. That's right. Embarrassed me. WORSE THEN EMBARRASSED ME, TRY TOTALLY HUMILIATED ME. They sung happy birthday really loud whilst lighting up a very colourful cake bearing in mind it's lunchtime and three quarters of the school is in the cafeteria with us. The cake definitely made up for it though. It was so creamy and delicious. So delicious I had seconds, okay thirds, alright maybe four or five slices. It's my birthday cut me some slack! but somebodies words spun through my mind a few times though "think of all the calories you have just eaten Deanna and add that on top of everything else" it's strange, that wouldn't normally bother me or cross my mind but now the more I think about it, the more I realize how much crap I have eaten. Ah well, it's my life and my birthday that's a pretty good enough excuse. My mood cannot be broken it's so sky high right now, just like the beautiful okay cloud grey miserable but still gorgeous sky. Natural high is the way forward as a friend repeatedly says. Tonight will just place the icing right on top of the cake, not just because I will probably be having chocolate fudge cake smothered in cream for dessert but because we are off to this new restaurant called the Pike and Musket. Apparently they sell my all time love dish called bbq smothered chicken; this dish makes my heart skip a beat. So damn tasty! It's just so cheesy, smooth and filling. Spending my birthday night with my gorgeous family is honestly all I could ask for. The sound of laughter, jokes and happiness just really makes me smile. Of course they bring up my dimples when I smile but I don't care. "I was born this way baby" My daily quote right there everybody. Did I just hear my door bell ring? "Oh Deanna!" My mum's soundly shouting up the stairs. I must go my street mates have arrived (lol cringe) ADIOS!

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