Smoking crack
Numb lips
Life is wack
I'm in a tripSnorting pills
Bleeding nose
My life's not filled
My tears run like a hoseShooting up meth
I feel free
I'm close to death
It's hard to seeSmoking weed
Blurry thoughts
I can't breathe
I've taken one too many shotsWalking home
I fall down
My soul is left to roam
I leave my body with a frownMy funeral is almost empty
Damn, I forgot the Molly
And the Hennessy
No one stopped meNo one helped me
I didn't help myself
No one loved me
I didn't love myselfMy family weep
The skies are gray
My soul is left to creep
Don't worry, for tomorrow is a new day.
So I wrote this when my mom and dad were doing drugs. I didn't have anyone to turn to except God. I don't care of you're not a believer, because I am. He helped me in ways no one else could. My mom is doing rehab but my dad didn't get caught. I told CPS about this and now everyone in my family blames me for the fucked up life we now have. I just couldn't take it any longer. I know I'm gonna sound hypocritical, but one night when I was high, I wrote this for my parents. Their reactions were expected. My mom said 'sorry but I am who I am.' and for my dad, he said 'that's some deep shit baby girl.' no shit dad. It's my life.
Beautifully Broken>> POETRY
PoetryJust sad tears that streamed down my face and splashed onto paper, telling my life.