WoRtH iT

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You like me?
No. You like my innocence.
When you know me, you'll flee.
You fooled me and we're bigamous.

We finally meet,
You see my body.
Thinking it'll be sweet,
It turns out looking soggy.

You leave my life,
I know why.
I wanna grab my knife,
If only I wasn't so shy.

Starvation mode,
Numb limbs.
Don't stop me I'm in the zone,
I guess I'll go to the gym

Stomach flat,
Body weak.
I can't go back,
There's always a tweak.

Gaining focus,
Start eating.
I'm the flower, Lotus;
Love is the only thing I'm needing.

Becoming healthy,
Gaining muscle.
No longer I feel filthy,
No pain, No hustle.

I like my body,
So does he.
Now this is just a hobby,
And I did it only for me.

No longer needing you,
Or your idea of perfect.
Our 'love' is through,
I was always worth it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2017 ⏰

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