♡0♡ Igor

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Hey guys!! *Shoots self in the head and Amethyst and Amy appears*

Amethyst:Did you really have to do that?

Me:Why not? You two are basically my "personas"

Amy:Well it's a good reference to Persona 3!

Me:Thank you, anyway. Please enjoy the beginning of the story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Amethyst:Will you shut up!?

Me:Alright damn, Caroline much....

"Welcome to the Velvet Room." (E/c) look around the area. Besides the man in front of them, there was darkness every where, light shining on the old looking man with a big nose.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." He greeted, then chuckled. "It's awfully dark isn't it?" The person nodded at his words, asking with their eyes to do something about it.

"Too bad I can't do anything about that." Footsteps was heard as someone walked next to the man. To the person it looked like a little girl. "I've forgotten to introduce myself, my name is Igor, and this is my assistant, Lavenza."

"Please to meet you." She greeted, bowing to the person in front of her. They nodded in reply.

"Now that that's out of the way, let's discuss why you're here." Igor started. "I was not able to see this at first, but now I see that you're not supposed to be here. And everything in the future will have some difference than what is supposed to happen."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because that is my job, to help my visitors. Even if they are a Forbidden."


A loud ring was heard throughout the darkness. "Our time is up it seems. Farewell."

"Hope to see you again, Forbidden." Lavenza called out as (e/c) closed back into unconsciousness.


I'm making this WAY too short, I know. But I wanted to get this out as soon as I could.

But anyway, please tell me if I messed up on Igor's and Lavenza's personalities. Hopefully I can fix it later since P5 will be my first Persona game! And I'm so excited to get a PS4 so I can play Persona 5 and Kingdom Hearts games!!!

With that said,

SEEYA!!!!!!!!!!! *jumps through stain glass window stylishly*

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