January 2016 -

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This is the tumblr month timeline/archive that documents my slightly tragic discovery of David Bowie. It's funny..I had writers block for weeks and unknowingly, on his birthday..I wrote my first poem for 2016. I'd like to think that even then..it was inevitably final. He was due to come into my life as a creative force..he was already affecting me...whether I knew it or not.

11th Jan - I'm not even a fan..I mean I've always just admired him from afar but I'm in literal shock right now. I can't believe it.

I know I have a lot of mutuals and followers that love him so please, you don't have to grieve alone. I'm here, come talk to me.
I feel so bad right now..so many people love him..
All this death talk is fucking me up. Just the other day I had a feeling that was someone was going to go. I don't want to talk about it anymore so can anyone not mention other classic rock stars dying soon because I can't deal with the thought.
There's a massive lightning/thunder storm going on right now.
I like to think it's because David's up there now causing a storm.
Feeling deep in emotions tonight..I need to write some poetry.

12th Jan - *sigh*
I'm so saddened and full of regret. David Bowie was on my list of 'artists to really listen to someday' and I'm currently kicking myself for not appreciating his music while he was still here.

Oh well, he'll live on forever now through his endless body of work. And I still have a lifetime to listen to his genius.

Thank you David Bowie. We were extremely lucky to have you.
I've woken up. It's the next day.

I'm still unexplainably saddened about David Bowie. Just reading all these tributes about what an intelligent and kind man he was. I don't know, how can it not make you cry?

I still feel empty. why.
Just found out that David Bowie was fearful because he wanted to continue living for his daughter who's only fourteen.

I'm now crying even more.
I'm currently listening to Best of Bowie and wondering why the hell I delayed the appreciation I could've had when he was alive. That man is a fucking genius.

Feeling so many emotions.

Why just why. I'm so sad.

14th Jan - Also another quick story about something that's been bothering me.

I went on eBay the other day in hopes of buying 'Space Oddity' on vinyl so I could keep it as a treasure and memory. To be honest, I was really fucking lucky to find a fairly cheap one because there was literally thousands of them and people were selling them for hundreds of dollars and despite hypocritically falling into this distasteful corporate pit...

I thought "you fucking assholes"

I know this happens with every legend who dies but it really pisses me off when I see people making bucks off people who have just died. Have you no respect? It's like selling your dead relatives personal items just so you can be a rich bastard.

Money rules my life just as much as it does with everybody else's but it's such an ugly side of the human race tbh. I saw one seller, (who I had bought multiple record off in the past) turning the bidding on which he never does and I was planning to buy more vinyls off him but I was just like "fuck it and fuck you" I'm not buying his shit anymore.

Now I'm definitely not being biased here. I can hardly call myself a Bowie fan, I just wanted to be respectful and remember that day with a song that touched my soul because I thought, god knows when it won't exist anymore.

But yeah, I hate people sometimes.
Wrote a poem about the so-called "weirdness" that people label us with whenever us fans grieve over someone like this.

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