January 2017 -

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This is the tumblr month timeline/archive that documents the first one year anniversary of David's passing. It's safe to say that all my emotions came flooding back and my heart (that was already so full of love) shook with intense grief and longing for the man that I'd come to know in one year. But that heartfelt love also happened to renew a massive surge of inspiration within me. I love you.

1st Jan - During the New Year fireworks.

They played 'Space Oddity' and had planet shaped fireworks...
I cried.

Then they played 'Pure Imagination' and had rainbow candy shaped fireworks...
I cried some more.
I don't mean to rub it into anyone's face but it feels soooooooo relieving to be in 2017, thus no longer existing in 2016.

Because now I can say that I bought a vintage Bowie poster for over $60 last year and have no ragrets!!!

I also become an adult in two months time.

~In honour of Bowie's 1st anniversary, I will be posting a small series of photos with my poetry about David and the many albums that inspired me to write a world within a poem

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In honour of Bowie's 1st anniversary, I will be posting a small series of photos with my poetry about David and the many albums that inspired me to write a world within a poem.

It will be displayed on my instagram so for those who are interested, follow me here!: https://www.instagram.com/msladymidnight/?hl=en

I may post them on tumblr as well, I haven't decided yet. That's all.

3rd Jan - Starting tomorrow I will be posting a series of poems over the course of a week, thus including David's birthday & anniversary. The poems were written last year and detail my honest feelings & appreciation for David and the inspired worlds within some of his albums. This is my tribute to him and I hope you enjoy them.

(all of those poems are already included in this archive so don't fret)

(all of those poems are already included in this archive so don't fret)

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4th Jan - Welp, I had originally bought David Bowie's first album and was sent his second album instead. I guess I have a second copy of Space Oddity now, haha.

(I'll just add it to my spare collection, aka my gift to someone who hasn't heard david's genius)

6th Jan - As some of you might know..I tend to write long ass posts whenever one of my idols anniversaries come up because I feel the need to step up and say something.

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