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As Peter opens his eyes the first thing he saw was his hands holding by this girl that he never recognizes, he also saw this old lady trying to dry what supposed to be a cloth that has a a lot of bloodstains on it, on the end of the bed there are this two kids very much look alike. "Where am i?"the first thing he asks. "Thank god, you are in your room silly." the girl said, peter is much confused on what is happening. his head starts to ache, and his memory was lost. even his own name, he cant recall. so he asks what is his identity and what happened to him.

"Well, your name is Peter, My name is Lucy your wife. Thats your mom right there she's Susan. and thats your brothers. Evie and Erie, you are experiencing a temporary amnesia. but hopefully your memory will come back weeks from now, you'd fallen from the stairs and your head had been hit you are in the hospital for almost 2 weeks. and been sleeping since then, and thank god you're awake now."

Peter begins to understand what happened to him and tries to recall but he failed and just leaves an ache to his head. but something triggered him and he knows the name of this people, like he remembers the name of Susan and Lucy but his not convince that these people are them, someone is whispering to him that this is not them. but he just leaves it, he realizes that maybe he is just sick and the truth is these is his real family. after the conversation, Susan gave Peter a plate of food, he grabbed it and ate it like there's no tomorrow. "Go ahead son, eat it up. you're starving, Your food was on a tube for two weeks its liquid, now eat solid". Susan say. Lucy leaves the house with the twins. Lucy was going to work, and he will drop off the twins at school. She leaves peter with kisses and Susan reminders for peter. on that whole morning peter was just in his room thinking and trying to remember anything, he sees something on a broken cabinet. he noticed some clothes with bloodstains on it, some of which were made on what supposed to be a knife because of a large cuts on the cloth. he looks to a polo which has a pocket on it, he reaches the pocket and finds a set of calling cards which says,



Chief Excutive officer

Peter was confused on that moment and went outside to look for Susan and asks about the cards and the clothes in the cabinet, as he walks by to the hallway he never seen any stairs around the house so he assumed that the accident was not took place in the house. He shouted "Mom?" as he looks around the house, he saw many pictures attached on the walls, he saw a guy with Susan and this probably his father. "That's your father. Simeon is his name remember that. he died Ten years ago. are you okay? you should get some rest," Susan approaches."No i'm okay its just i saw this cabinet with clothes that has bloodstains on it and one of them was a polo with this calling cards that says that i am a CEO of some company." Susan looked at the card and laughed, "Your last name was Rodrigo not Guine, and these. these my son is just your collection, you collect cards which has your name on it."

"But what about the clothes with bloodstains on it? that was mine right?" peter argued. "Yes that was yours, those bloods came from your head and your cuts you see." on that time he just realized he has cuts on different parts of his body, he never noticed it a while a go and the cuts were just starting to get hurt just now that he noticed it. "Relax my son, it will be better soon, Oh i almost forgot you can't go outside okay? its very dangerous out there. we have no neighbors you see". the outside of the house was covered with trees and a big lake, it is very far from the city and the nearest neighbor is 4 miles away. its basically a house in the middle of nowhere Peter looks at the windows and sees the lake and one boat on the water and a tree with a wheel swing on it, Susan gave Peter a cup of coffee which he drinks for a while, they sat on a old sofa. Susan and Peter had a good conversation on that moment, peter just ask many questions to susan about himself like a child. Suddenly something went through the mind of Peter, he suddenly had a kind of a recall, he suddenly realizes that he knows or remembers the faces of his family. but he can't picture them on his mind. he just knows it, and if he sees them he will surely recognizes them, but as he looked to Susan, that feeling wasn't there, he feels like its not his mom. but he ignores it,

"Is everything okay son?"

"Yeah, it's just i had something that i can't explain going on my mind, like i know my family is but i can't picture them, well maybe its the effect of this amnesia."

"We are your family son, we are here, don't worry everything is okay now"

"Can i go outside at that tree?"

"Sure darling, just don't go somewhere okay?"

Peter went outside and hear something tweeting, "Its birds" he whispered and recognizes it. he sniffs and smelled the scent of the fresh apple tree. he loves it, he grabs the swing and ride on it like a child. he also went on the boat and tried to row it,he's very happy
about it when suddenly noticed something written on the side of the boat. and it says "I'M TIRED OF MY LIFE, I'M TIRED OF FIXING IT. -P" he assumed that the "P" stands for his name, and tries to find another vandal on the boat and he sees more, he saw drawings like. someone killing each other, he also sees writings with, "DEATH TO ALL WHO BELIEVES". Its like the man who wrote this stuff is depressed and had a awful life. He believes that He knows something with these vandalisms, but ofcourse he can't remember. His mind believes that there are more than just been awake with the people who introduce themselves as his family. As he rows the boat, peter lay down on and enjoys the sounds of water splashing to the boat as he felt asleep.

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