Private DM

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Private Message between @beautychickee and @beccxabbott

@beautychickee hey, girl you look amazing!

@beccxabbott haha thanks, I feel like a princess

@beautychickee yeah I wish I was there! You
have to tell me everything

@beccxabbott don't worry, I will, ttyl my car is here

@beautychickee good luck babe x

@beccxabbott omg omg omg Christina!!!!

@beautychickee what?

@beccxabbott my recent, Jonah commented

@beautychickee oooo what did he sayyyyyy

@beccxabbott I looked beautiful

@beautychickee he ain't lyin, but awwwwww

@beccxabbott shut up, maybe he's just being nice?

@beautychickee are u serious? He's totally into you!

@beccxabbott ...

@beautychickee 50 bucks he asks you out tonight

@beccxabbott he's obviously not going to ask
me, I think he was just being nice.

@beautychickee suit yourself, but start saving because as
we both know, I'm never wrong!

@beccxabbott whatever, cya I'll tell u what happens

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