Real life

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My heart was pounding.
We got out of the car and headed inside to the after party. This was it, I was going to ask Becca out. I haven't known her for that long, but somehow I know she's the one.

We walk in and Jack and Zach go straight over to the food bar. Typical.
I look around for Becca. We're at this amazing old mansion and it has a fountain and everything. As Daniel said, I'm going to take her outside and ask then.

"Yooo dude this party is sick" Corbyn yells over the music.

"How did Zach even get in?" I laugh.

"Um I actually don't know!" Corbyn says.

We walk over toward the middle of the room and I spot her. The one.

"Man, I gotta go" I say to Corbyn, not taking my gaze off Becca.

"Ok?" Corbyn replies and turns around to find Daniel.

I walk over to her, she's talking to Jack and Jack. Wow she must be well known around here. I clear my throat.

"Oh, hey Jonah! I didn't think you were coming!" She smiled.

"Yeah, well we're still trying to find out how Zach got in here but anyway".

She laughed.

"So, um, do you wanna go for a walk? Outside of course" I ask


We walk outside and the cool air brushes our face. I glance over at her, she's dragging her had over the cement railing as we walk over the bridge.

"Hows your night been?" I ask trying to start a conversation.

"It's been amazing actually, I feel like I'm in a fairytale" she sighs happily.

We stop at a bench in front of the fountain and sit down. I think it's time.

"Look, Becca um I have a question"

"Sure" she asks and sits up straight. How is she so calm?!

I sigh "do you, only if you want to, but do you want to go on a date?'

She stares at me for a second. Then her face turns to a smile.

"I'd love to Jonah"

I'm filled with relief as we stand up. I take her hand and we walk inside all smiles.

Jonah Marais // INSTAGRAMWhere stories live. Discover now