Private DM

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Message between @beccxabbott and @jonahmarais

@beccxabbott hey

@jonahmarais hey babe

@beccxabbott yeah, so I was reading through my
comments and one said we should do a collab together
on a song.

@jonahmarais that's actually a really good idea

@beccxabbott yeah I thought so too!

@jonahmarais so like I might need to check if the
boys are ok with me recording with a different person,
I know they'll be fine, but it's my manager I'm
worried about.

@beccxabbott well the boys can join in on a song.

@jonahmarais oh so like we could do like one song
just us and then all of us

@beccxabbott yeah like that

@jonahmarais sounds good I'll go check with
my manager.

@beccxabbott ok


Private message with @Talentmanagement and @jonahmarais

@jonahmarais hey, joe, um so my girlfriend is a singer,
you might have heard of her, Becca Abbott. She asked me
and the boys to do a collab on a song she wrote.
Just checking if that would be ok??

@Talentmanagement hi Jonah, yeah I've heard of
her, and I think it will be good for your publicity if you
do collab.

@jonahmarais ok thanks, she also asked me to
do a collab with just me... is that pushing it?

@Talentmanagement Jonah, you have to stay
with the band, so my answer is no.

@jonahmarais understandable, thanks though

@Talentmanagement your welcome, I'll see you


Message between @beccxabbott and @jonahmarais

@jonahmarais hi Becca

@beccxabbott hey what did he say?

@jonahmarais well I'm allowed to do the song with
the band, but not by myself. He said I'm apart of the band
so I have to stay with them.

@beccxabbott aw ok I understand

@jonahmarais yeah, well next thing is to tell the
boys, I'll do it now cya😘

@beccxabbott ok byeeee♥️

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