Real life

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Today I'm scheduled to meet up and record the new song with the boys. I'm so excited, it's going to be amazing!
I walk into the studio and the guys are already there.

'Big sissssss' they all scream and run over, except Jonah, who slowly walks over and kisses me. God I love him.

'So where do we start?' Jack asks

I hand them the song I wrote. It's an upbeat, happy song and I think it'll suit the boys really well. They carefully read it, I watch their concentrated faces.

'This is great!' Daniel is the first to say something. The others agree.

The producers usher us into the recording booth and we begin.

3 hours later

Jonah and I volunteered to go get pizza for everyone for lunch. We walk down the street holding hands.

'You know, I knew you were beautiful, but looking at you properly, your even more beautifuler' he says out of the blue.

'Well first off, beautifuler isn't a word, and second that's the cutest thing someone has said to me'.

We wait in line for the pizza and talk about random stuff, then out of no where Daniels head pops up in between ours.

'Hey! So I was just listening to your conversation just now, and I think I have saved you a lot of time and effort by writing your vowels!' He grins and puts his arms around us. 'Aw isn't love great?' He stares into space, still smiling.

Jonah just laughs and rolls his eyes, I think he's given up on defending himself from Daniels teasing.

'Order 44!'

'Well, that's us! Let's get going!' Daniel takes the pizzas and heads back to the studio.

End of the day

I get home after a long day of recording. We finished all our bits, and have left it up to the producers. I have a shower and get dressed into some comfy clothes and sit and watch tv.

My phone rings. I answer it and it's just the man I wanted to hear from. Jonah.

'Hey I think I took home your hoodie...' he says

'Oh ok do you want me to pick you up or...?' Just as I finish my sentence, the door bell rings.

I walk over and unlock the door. 'Sorry Jonah someone's at the door I'll be right back'.

I open it and to my surprise Jonah is standing there with the phone still to his ear. 'Ok, I can wait' he smiles and I smile back. I hang up my phone and he does the same. I invite him inside.

'So where's my hoodie?' I ask, cheekily

'I don't have it, I just wanted an excuse to come and see you' he replies

'Ohhh, your cheesy' I laugh

'And your beautiful' he smiles then leans in to kiss me. We break away and go sit on the couch and watch Netflix. We ended up falling asleep on each other. I'm so lucky to have a guy like him.

Jonah Marais // INSTAGRAMWhere stories live. Discover now