Jeff Atkins//Starry Night

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You were currently at one of Bryce Walker's "famous" Saturday night parties. Of course, you weren't inside, where all the action was taking place, but rather sitting outside on the grass with your best friend, Clay Jensen.

"I think I see a lost maiden, searching for a knight in shining armor to come to the rescue," You joke and direct your glance to Hannah Baker, who had just arrived. "Get in there, tiger!"

"I'll be right back," Clay stands up, winks, and heads towards Hannah. You smile with satisfaction, and take a sip of your cool, refreshing beer.

"(Y/L/N)," You hear someone say. Jeff Atkins takes a seat down next to you, a red, plastic cup in his hands.

"Atkins," You smile at your crush. "It's beautiful, ain't it? The stars?"

Jeff agrees as you both lay back on the freshly mowed grass.

"Although, I could think of many more beautiful things," Jeff roles onto his side to face you.

"That's pretty much impossible," You turn to face him.

"Not really," He smirks. "Baseball."

"Baseball?" You snort. "The only thing beautiful about baseball are the people who play it."

"I'll take that as a compliment," Jeff laughs. "The game is beautiful, the hard work and effort just seem to make it even more amazing."

"Deep, Atkins."

"Thank you, (Y/L/N)," He chuckles, and sits up. You join him, and you notice he scoots closer.

"So, could you tell me something else that's more beautiful than the stars?" You challenge him.

"Well there's one more thing, but you may not agree," He smirks.

"Clay and Hannah?" You guess.

"Nope, they're not beautiful, just really cute."

"The ocean?"

"Wow, (Y/N), you really suck at this!"

"I give up, Atkins. What is it?"

"You," Jeff whispers. You hadn't realized how close he had actually moved. You felt his breath linger on your face.

"Shut up and kiss me, Atkins," You smile, and he does as you say.

The kiss was soft and sweet, just how you'd imagined. He was gentle, and didn't force anything on you. You pull away, and smile.

"Something I missed?" Clay laughs, Hannah at his side. They both sit down next to you and Jeff.

"To something incredibly beautiful," Jeff raises his cup, and you all join the toast. "And to my new girlfriend!"

"Girlfriend?" You laugh.

"Yes, you're mine," Jeff chuckles, and gently kisses your nose. "It's us against the world, baby."

You lay your shoulder on his lap and smile, "Us against the world."

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