Ditched//Clay Jensen

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Y/F/D- Your favorite drink

Tonight you were going on a date with Montgomery de la Cruz, who had been begging you to go out with him for a week. After you couldn't it take it any longer, you told him that you'd meet him at the Cresmont at 8:00PM for a movie.

You arrive at the Cresmont 5 minutes early, only to find your good friend Hannah Baker, on ticket duty.

"Hey, Hannah," You smile.

"Hey," She responds. "Are you here alone or-"

"I'm going on a date," You interrupt her. "With Monty."

"Ahh, ok," She laughs. "Tickets for two, for which movie?"

You tell Hannah which movie, and she gladly hands you two tickets. You give her the money, and head inside. You sit down on a small, leather couch and wait for Monty. Half an hour passes, and still nothing. You had sent him plenty of texts, asking him where he was. Eventually, after two hours, you knew for sure he had stood you up. You hadn't even realized how hungry you actually were, and went to go get some food.

"Can I please have a large popcorn and (Y/F/D)?" You ask, and Clay Jensen turns around to help you.

"Sure, that'll be 4 dollars," He grabs everything and puts it on the counter. You dig around in your purse, and realize you had used all your money on the tickets.

"Never mind," You close your eyes, trying not to think of how much worse this night could get.

"It's on the house," Clay whispered, shoving it towards you.

"Clay, it's no problem, I'm not a charity fund."

"I know you're not, but you look starving, and besides, you look like you also need someone to talk to," He smiles. "I'm done my shift, and that couch looks pretty comfortable."

"Thanks, Clay," You smile, and head back towards the couch, Clay following suit. You both flop down, it had been a long night. You start to snack on your popcorn and tell Clay everything, from start to finish.

"So he stood you up?" He snorts. "Who would ever stand someone like you up."

"Someone like me?" You snarl.

"Not in that way," He stutters. "I mean, someone like you. Someone who is so kind and caring, and really, really pretty-"

"You're such a dork," You chuckle.

"A dork that really wants to kiss you right now," He whispers, and cups your face. He kisses you softly, but before anything else could happen, you get interrupted.

"What the hell is going on here?" Montgomery shouts.

You roll your eyes, "Montgomery, please, I'm on a date right now."

"It's supposed to be our date!"

"It was supposed to be our date," You remark. "Two and a half hours ago."

"Whatever," He snarls. "I'm actually glad I stood you up."

"So am I," Clay pipes up. He then looks at you, and smiles. "Now, where were we?"

I just realized I forgot to post Clay and Zach imagines, so I'm gonna try post those as soon as possible and then go back to my order. Next, I'm gonna post a Preference.

Also, would you guys be interested if I started a cover book/or making covers. I feel really confident about my cover making, and requests would be open. Comment below what you think!


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