♛the first "love you"♛

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you two were lying on your bed together, your head laying on his chest.
"(y/n), i gotta say this before i fuck something up like usual. i love you."
"i love you too, justin."

he bought you flowers, a box of chocolates and a necklace.
"you mean the world to me, (y/n). i love you so much."

he had just won the finals on the baseball game and you were so proud.
"i'm so proud of you baby! i love you!"
"i love you too, (y/n)!"

you were sitting on a bench on top of a hill, allowing you to see the whole city.
"there's a whole lot of people in this city but you have to know i love you, clay."
"i love you more, (y/n).

he was taking pictures of you when he blurted it out.
"oh god you're beautiful, i love you."
"i l-love you too, tyler."

you were walking down the school hall with each other when he shouted out.
"you all see this girl walking next to me? i love her! i love you, (y/n)!"
"i love you too, montgomery!"

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