Author's Note
As of now I guess I should tell you why the group the main character, Menma calls his clique of friends he hangs out with the 'Couples Clique.' Mostly everyone in the group, except him and a few others, goes out with a person but he still hangs out with them. Oh and there is no Sai in this fanfic. I just...I just can't put him in. I have my reasons. So enjoy it? Review,fav,whatever you want. Just do it nicely, please.
Disclaimer= I realized I forgot to do that so I'll do it now I guess. If I owned Masashi Kishimoto's stuff I'd have to be one hell of a writer and drawer, which I'm not. I don't own his glorious work so don't ask. Oh and those beautiful characters of his...they aren't mine either :/
Where is this girl?
I normally wouldn't care too much, especially about some random girl, but this is strange. We've had classes together the whole day and it's like she's avoided me on purpose. Didn't she say she wanted to get to know me more? I've been taking notice of her in our classes today, too, and have learned that she usually sits in the back of all of them. No wonder I've never noticed her. The teachers rarely call on her, anyway, but when they do, she always answers loudly and clearly with confidence. She definitely isn't shy.
So... where is she now? I didn't see her at lunch, so I figured she doesn't have lunch in the same period I do.
Now I'm in detention, because of her. Her making me late. This just isn't right. She caused this, and to add on to that, she should be late, too. But she isn't here.
I walk into the classroom and give the teacher at the front the detention pass I got from Mr. Asuma. Ms. Anko, the detention teacher as well as the girls' P.E. teacher, snatches it from my hand and throws it onto a large pile of passes to her left on the desk. She does all this without glancing up from her phone once.
Rude, I think, offended. But then again, it is Ms. Anko; one cannot expect sunshine and happiness from a person like her.
I take a seat by the window and lay my head on the desk, supported by my elbows. I'm already bored. A few minutes pass by and more students file into the classroom.
Just from witnessing the first few minutes of my detention, I conclude that Ms. Anko is the worst P.E.-slash-detention teacher I have ever met. All the kids are talking obnoxiously, loud enough for her to hear, not to mention throwing things and being completely oblivious to the fact that they are in detention, where you're supposed to shut your mouth and do something productive until your time is up. Ms. Anko hasn't looked up from that phone, on any account.
Actually, thinking it over, maybe she isn't the worst.
Another person comes in, but I don't bother to acknowledge them this time. Ms. Anko, still immersed in her phone, says to the person, "How late to class were we today, Ms. Murasaki?"
All at once, my ears perk up. I've heard that name somewhere before.
"Ehehe... um... let's see. Only by a minute this time, I swear — if I can remember correctly," the person answers, and I recognize the owner of the voice right away. I swiftly turn around, and who is standing right there?
Furea! I almost sneer. Serves her right for making me late, too.
She glances at me for a second, then looks back to Ms. Anko, who responds, "Okay, well, you know the drill."
Furea sighs and removes her white-colored shoulder bag adorned with teal designs, setting it down to rummage through it. After a while, she finds what she wants and pulls out... it seems to be some dango, wrapped carefully in plastic. She walks up the aisle of the classroom, passing me on the way, lightly brushing my fingers that are holding onto the side of the desk.

Strawberries (A Naruto Fanfic)
ספרות חובביםMenma didn't know what he was doing with his life really. Just passing it by, no set direction or goal -- He just knew he had to go forward. So when he met Furea, a girl with no set path and a harsh reality of her own, "Going forward," gai...