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Ponyboy got the beating of a life time. He was dizzy, bleeding profusely out of his cuts, got a minor concussion from being kicked in the head, exhausted, in shock, asleep and agonizingly delirious from Sunday to Tuesday. It was painful to watch, so I did not. He was in the hospital for most of the weekend. Darry was with Ponyboy for most of the time he was in the hospital, when he came home to sleep or to eat he would always tell us that he was asking for us. Me, Soda, even their late parents. But mainly Soda. I only visited him once, when the whole gang came. I later asked Ponyboy about it and he said that he didn't even remember being in the hospital, let alone us visiting him. The entire time he was sick, he kept on blubbering about how he was the one who killed the Soc, not Johnny.

My black eye went away after a few weeks. Some of the blood vessels broke so parts of the white in my eye were red for a while. I was right, Two-Bit got multiple stitches on his hand and face, and Steve indeed had three broken ribs. Darry had a simple black eye and a busted lip, Johnny had a couple minor scratches on his face and bruises on his arms, and Dally had some cuts on his face. Dally left too early for me put help stop the bleeding but he was relatively fine.

While Pony, Johnny, and I were in Windrixville, we missed Picture Day at school. We had to show up for retakes a few weeks later. I had my hair cut properly so it wasn't so uneven and jagged. I have been keeping up with styles and the timeless trends so I don't stand out so much. After Windrixville, I started keeping up with the curtain bangs that swept over my eyebrows. They remind me of Brigitte Bardot, and they're easy to style without any modern styling tools. I sported that with face framing layers and just layers throughout my whole head for more movement. I spent so long getting ready that day, I was so nervous. I styled my hair with nice curls, did my makeup, and took forever trying to figure out what to wear. I ended up wearing a red sweater that you can't see anyway, because the photo is in black and white but at least I'll be in the yearbook.

Months passed, and I was getting more and more frustrated. I couldn't figure out how to fix the Time Machine for the life of me. My foot healed quicker than me fixing the Time Machine. But one thing was for sure, Pony got the wish he never knew he had. Everything went back to the way it was. But this time it was for the better.

In those months, everyone found out about Sandy cheating on Soda. I wasn't surprised, but I had to pretend to be. It was sad, I have to admit. Soda is one of the sweetest human beings on the planet, it was hard to see him in so much pain, knowing he was betrayed by someone he loved and trusted so deeply. He started smoking more. He only smokes when he is trying to act tough or when he is stressing out about something. He even cooked us normal food. Whenever he cooked, he always tries something extraordinary and fun. Ponyboy said that one time he made green pancakes. Once, Soda gave me blue scrambled eggs. Still tasted delicious, but it was blue. Soda deserves so much better than Sandy.

All of us went to court as soon as Ponyboy felt better. We had to wear nice clothes and the guys had to do up their hair so they didn't look like hooligans. Some Socs were there and Cherry was there too, all telling their story. They stuck to the truth. Johnny got interviewed too, and in his statement he talked about previous attacks by Bob and his friends, and how he knew that self-defense was necessary after Ponyboy nearly drowned and when they were trying to take my clothes off.

After hearing both sides, I don't think Bob should have died so brutally but Johnny did deserve to get revenge. I'd rather Bob have rotten away in jail for the rest of his life, but he probably would have gotten out at some point and kept being a bad person. Or maybe he would have learned his lesson, I don't know. I honestly still hated Cherry, no matter how nice she was being. Cherry telling Pony to his face that she was going to ignore and not acknowledge him in public tells you everything you need to know about her. Not to mention how rude she was to me when we first met. I hold grudges, I can't help it.

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